“He who has God and everything has no more than he who has God alone.” ~ C.S. Lewis
The management of finances seems to be the biggest marital conflict and often causes great stress, worry and anxiety. Why is this? Why is there such a strong trend among wives and mothers to be so focused on frugality? I have struggled with this issue over the last few months, and I have desired to seek out the Biblical truth in these matters. In light of our family motto that I have written on the top of my blog (living simply in order to give generously), I would like to expand upon this in a short series.
I will be addressing the question: Why have we chosen to live a simplified lifestyle and what is my purpose behind it? We will be looking through Scripture to distinguish if and what the Biblical basis is for frugality, saving, and giving, and what does the Lord require of us in the use of money and our personal resources, especially as it relates to being wives and mothers.
I do not claim to have a full understanding in this issue, but with the help of my husband and the Word of God, I am seeking to come to a more balanced and God-glorifying position on these issues. Did you know that Jesus talks about money more than any other topic? Apparently it is a very important issue to the heart of God.
I think we need to seriously ask ourselves: what is my purpose in pursuing frugality? Is this pursuit God glorifying or is it for selfish reasons?We each need to come to a place of conviction and purpose to the reason we choose a lifestyle for our family. Why have you chosen to live the way that you do?
I focus on homemaking, simplicity and frugality mainly because of the Proverbs 31 woman. She’s my idol, and was obviously a very important character for which to model ourselves as wives and mothers. I feel that she is the embodiment of who I should be as a Christian woman. Even if “she” is just an ideal, her characteristics are ones that I will continuously strive to attain.
I look forward to reading this series. I definitely can be frugal out of fear and not trust at times due to things being tight.
I also enjoy the challenge of living on less. I’ve learned contentment isn’t about the bank account
Oo, this will be interesting! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. I personally think frugality is a great thing, but that it must be held in tension with other commands, such as giving and keeping our bodies healthy. Rice-a-roni might be a frugal way to eat, but it really isn’t in the long run when you trade your health in for the bottom line.
In fact, I have to admit that I am a little bothered by the push for frugality I have seen in some Christian circles. Not because pursuing a frugal, simple life is bad–it’s not, and I am on that path as well–but because it seems to come at the expense of things such as service to others, enjoying God’s blessings to us, and the health and safety of our family. It’s so silly, but I find myself even avoiding some of those sites because I struggle with incredulous feelings I worry would turn into judgment over some of the “deals” that people get. Most of the Walgreens and CVS deals to me seem so frivolous–and are nothing I could use because I don’t use health care or beauty products of those natures.
And I have to admit, something else I worry about is how me striving to pay the absolute least amount for something is affecting the economy, and if I am selfish in my desire to only buy things at rock bottom prices. If I don’t pay for things, someone else does. Someone developed the product, someone made it, someone distributed it, someone stocked the shelves with it. All of those people’s time and efforts are worth money in their coffers for THEIR families. If everyone paid nothing or next to nothing for all their medicine and food and beauty supplies, that will eventually turn back around and affect the people that are behind all the steps the product took to get to the store. It also negatively affects the quality of said items, because when companies lose money consistently because of those issues, they seek cheaper ways and means and laborers to produce the items. I guess I just don’t see it as being very neighborly.
Just different things I struggle with…
Don’t get me wrong, I know that things are in general overpriced, and I shop sales and have an idea of what I’m willing to pay for things. There isn’t anything wrong with getting things for a good deal. I admit I rarely pay more than $10 for a piece of clothing, new or used, and aim to pay more more than a few dollars. But I do try to be mindful of the people that need to make a profit on what I am buying so they can feed THEIR families.