Psalm 145:4
“One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts.”
We are called to proclaim the glory of our Lord to the next generation – and who would that be? Our children, our siblings, or simply anyone younger than us that we come in contact with! This should be our main goal and purpose in parenting. If we are purposeful in declaring often of His praises, they will grow to treasure what we treasure. Every moment is a teaching opportunity. If our time spent in conversation together is always centered around the latest movie, sport activity, social event, what do you think they are going to become passionate about? I believe this to be especially true about what we make our family hobbies.
We must always be looking for opportunities for reflecting and sharing how the Lord has changed our life, in addition to how He has worked throughout all the ages. That is why solid history resources are so important! As the saying goes, they who know history will not be doomed to repeat it.
I have been reflecting upon this lately as I have been studying the Scriptures and asking myself, how can I start making this a habit now, even while my baby is too young to understand?
Here are some thoughts:
- Sing truth together and have it playing in your home so they can learn to praise the Lord. I started posting different worship songs over my changing table and singing them to my baby. I want her to hear of the goodness of our God from her infancy.
- Be a worshiper at church for those little eyes are always watching. I have been blessed with parents who love to worship the Lord and you can see it now in the way my siblings worship. There are other families I have observed that the mother and father barely sing, neither were they raising their hands (not that this is necessary, but it is an outward sign of an inward attitude), and guess what? The children were the same way! This has stirred within me a passion to worship the Lord with my whole heart, so my children might see how much He means to me.
- Read the Word together - I am so thankful for the faithfulness of my parents from my youth in getting us up early on a regular basis and reading the Scriptures together. I remember many a time greatly hating this event, waking up early, reading together…boring! But then God transformed my life. I was a new creature! I had a fresh desire to study and know the truth, and I attribute this awakening to the mercy of God but also to the faithfulness of my parents.
- Be students of history! Have lots of good biographies, auto-biographies, history resources for your children. Be students together of the great works of God throughout history. For in fact, it is His Story!
Vision Forum supplies some wonderful resources on history. I have been blown away time and time again by their thorough coverage of history. Great resource!
Treasuring God in Our Traditions – by Noel Piper – an excellent resource! She defines a tradition as “a planned habit with significance. Tradition is the handing down of information, beliefs, and worldview from one generation to another by word of mouth and by regular repetition of example, of ceremony, and of celebration. For a Christian, tradition is laying up God’s words in our own hearts and passing his words to the next generation.” She supplies an abundance of ideas of incorporating God-centered traditions in your family life!
Some resources Noel Piper recommends:
My First Book of Questions and Answers by Carine MacKenzie – a resource they used for teaching the catechism to children.
Most of All, Jesus loves You – the story of a lovely bedtime tradition for toddlers and preschoolers.
Hide ‘Em in Your Heart, vols. 1 & 2 by Steve Green. Cassettes or CDs of songs for Bible memory. (We had these on avideo growing up…and I can still remember the verses!)
Leading Little Ones to God by Schooland – Devotional book for preschool and young school aged children (I used this with my younger siblings, a great resource!).
Word & Song Bible, books & CD ed. Steve Elkins – the Pipers used this resource with their children to train them to have their own devotion time when they were too young to read. They also had family devotions, but from their toddlerhood the children would sit down for a short period and use a Bible and audio tape/CD and have their own devotions. Wonderful idea!
Two excellent articles written by the Pipers:
The Family: Together in God Presence
Home-Grown World Christians
Do you have any resource recommendations to share?
I liked your good suggestions! I am a pastor’s wife and really love to see people visibly interested in the Word and the Lord. It is great to hear everyone singing even if they are not in key! I really have never gotten into the hand raising thing. To be honest it always freaked me out! I guess people worship in different ways some are more visible than others, but children can sense sincerity and reverence in worship. They will see if you bring that faith and worship home or leave at the church door when you go out on Sunday morning.
I love your booklist! I’m currently reading Ed Welch’s book on fear (plus, Transforming Grace by Bridges, Tightwad Gazette and Pr. 31 by Elizabeth George)!
I love to read! I’m enjoying your blog but couldn’t find a way to subscribe through a RSS feed. Can you direct me? Blessings to you!
The icon for subscribing to the RSS feed is located at the very bottom of my right side panel, listed below the most recent comments. You just click on the icon “Subscribe now”. Hope that helps!
Thanks for your sweet comment. I enjoy reading as well…when time permits.
I’ve been thinking of getting Noel Piper’s book for some time now…and with your encouragement I think I’m going to buy it right away!
Yay, a fellow Piper fan! I highly suggest Noel’s book.
I also just wanted to say that 1) how awesome it it for you to grow up having that in your family and 2) how luckily your little girl is to see your heart for God!