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Making a Creative Art Space

I’ve always been one that hates a mess of art supplies, so I have kept them tucked away high out of reach to prevent any disasters. I’m just not a crafty mommy…it is a stretch. What resulted was very infrequent art projects because of my own shortsightedness. I’ve learned that when things are not accessible or clearly visible for littles ones, they are rarely played with. Low and behold, I have a 4 year old daughter that loves crafty art projects!

Recently, I was inspired (thanks to Playful Learning & Not Just Cute) to arrange a little art center in an organized fashion that could be easily accessible for the kids to explore and inspire creativity to their hearts content. I have been so thrilled with the results! We arranged our new set up on a little kids’ table and stocked it with the following supplies:

Storage rack ($4.99 from IKEA) – storing construction paper, doodle books, watercolors, child scissors, glue, stickers
Metal plant pots (.79 each from IKEA) – markers, crayons, and colored pencils
Art smock (full body bib from IKEA) - hanging from nail on wall
Art boxes (basic pencil boxes) – one box is holding paints, another is storing an assortment of fun texture items (fabric scraps, felt, popcorn, beans, beads, and buttons)

I am planning to add this stamp set in their Christmas stockings! It is a simple enough arrangement that the kids can easily clean up after themselves and can engage with the supplies freely.

My four year old had made a collection of a dozen different works of art within an hour and keeps going back for more!

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Simple Seasonal Family Traditions

Post by Contributing Writer, Michele Augur of Frugal Granola

As a family, we cherish each new season. Our children love the familiar rhythm of knowing what to expect and savoring the many delights of each season.

We like to keep a handful of seasonal traditions that are easy to schedule into our busy lives, as well as easy on the budget. (There are also a few “special extras” when possible.) Now that our oldest child is almost five, she has quite a memory bank of these traditions, and doesn’t let us forget!

Also, whenever we’re expecting a new baby, we let our children know in “seasonal terms” when they can expect the newest arrival. (Our summer baby came “when it was hot and sunny, after the blueberries, with the zucchini and tomatoes, and before the corn.” Our spring baby is expected “near the end of the snow, when the spring rains come, the crocuses bloom, and the green buds appear.”)

Here are some of our family’s favorites:

Photo Credit: ollesvensson


Right now, we are entering into the autumn season of fall leaves, garden harvests, and cooler nights (probably our favorite time of year; at least for my husband & I).

  • Wild Blackberry and/or Huckleberry-Picking
  • Hiking in the Woods (It’s nice to get out in the clear fresh air, even if it’s a bit rainy!)
  • Baked Apple and/or Popcorn Nights
  • Gathered Leaf Crafts (such as leaf rubbings, garlands, “bouquets” on the table, etc.) We just completed a fun Leaf Pounding project (printing onto muslin fabric on top of a board- instead of cardboard); even our 2-year-old got in on the hammering!
  • A Fall Camping Trip (usually at the beach)- Campsites are usually less crowded in the fall, you can see the stars in the darker evenings, and it’s cozy by the campfire! (We’ve also gotten together with other family members and rented an affordable beach house together, since it’s the “off” season.)
  • Attending an Apple & Pear Harvest Festival/Farmer’s Market and/or U-Pick Farms
  • Treats of Hot Spiced Cider, Applesauce, or Creamy Pear Pie (a “mandatory” dish at our big family Thanksgiving dinner gatherings!)
  • Cream Cheese Pumpkin Muffins on Thanksgiving morning
  • Pumpkin Waffles for breakfasts (can also use some cooked squash)

Photo Credit: hello-julie


We have a few winter birthdays in our family, plus our wedding anniversary, in addition to the other holidays, so this season is very celebratory for us!

  • Advent and the Twelve Days of Christmas activities
  • St. Nicholas Day
  • Snow Angels and Snowmen
  • Occasionally, attending a performance of The Nutcracker (a children’s theater or a matinee is often more affordable, and a more manageable showing time for little ones)
  • Homemade Gingerbread Cake or Molasses Cookies
  • Mint Hot Chocolate
  • Listening to a Handel’s “Messiah” CD or DVD
  • Participating in our church’s Children’s Christmas Play/Musical
  • Seafood Christmas Dinner (often a simple Crab Quiche)
  • A Christmas Tea Party and/or New Year’s Open House
  • Decorating with “bouquets” of fresh holly & greenery (or homemade wreaths)
  • A drive or walk to see Christmas lights and/or Caroling
  • Homemade Gifts and/or Ornaments
  • Handmade Valentines

Photo Credit: EvelynGiggles


  • Starting Garden Seeds and early Spring plantings
  • Occasionally we’ve been able to attend a community “Easter Sunrise Church Service”
  • Spring bouquets of fragrant daffodils and crocuses
  • Listening to the many little frogs at the creek
  • Reading about St. Patrick
  • Picking Nettles
  • Meals of fresh, green asparagus, new leafy greens, or just-picked rhubarb
  • Puddle Jumping and Walks with Umbrellas
  • A Mother’s Day camping trip (usually at the beach); typically a less-crowded weekend before the summer crowds and hot weather arrive
  • Board Game Nights
  • Nature Walks/Hikes
  • Making Butter from grass-fed raw milk (late spring/into summer)
  • Star-Gazing on clear evenings

Photo Credit: JustyCinMD


  • Bonfires and Barbecues
  • Early Garden Harvests & Later Plantings
  • Swimming/Wading in a shady creek or river
  • A Backyard Camp-Out in the Tent
  • Bouquets of Roses and Wildflowers
  • Berry Smoothies or Blueberry Cake for Breakfasts (I know some of you live in climates where you actually get strawberries in the spring; but ours aren’t ready until at least June!)
  • More Butter-Making from grass-fed raw milk
  • Attending Farmer’s Markets
  • Lavender Desserts (such as cookies or souffles)
  • Making Lavender Sachets for adding to laundry or bed pillows
  • Gathering Herbs & Preparing Remedies
  • Ice Cream Sundae Parties
  • Picnics on the lawn
  • Jars of Sun Tea

Did you see some of your favorites on the list? What are your family’s traditions?

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Q & A’s for Mission-Minded Families: HOMESCHOOLING

by monthly contributor, Ann Dunagan, of Harvest Ministry

This month marks the beginning of our family’s 21st year of homeschooling. It’s because of God’s grace that we’ve been in this adventure for over two decades; and it’s only by God’s grace that I can confidently say, “We’re still in it for the long-haul!”

On this theme, Lindsay had a few questions:

Q. LINDSAY @ PASSIONATE HOMEMAKING:  What was your original vision and goal for choosing to homeschool your children, and how have you kept that vision burning for over 20 years?

A. ANN @ MISSION-MINDED FAMILIES:  I became intrigued with homeschooling during college, as I was studying Elementary Education. During this time, as Jon and I were also preparing for marriage, I read a book called The Way Home, by Mary Pride, which challenged me — big-time — about God’s purposes for homemaking, motherhood, and home education. As I completed my student teaching, I observed how a student who had been absent (for even 2-3 weeks) could quickly “catch-up” with the rest of the class with only a few days of 1-on-1 tutoring, causing me to question the time-effectiveness of a typical classroom. Later, as newlyweds, Jon and I led several youth mission trips. On these teams, we observed a huge contrast between the peer-orientation (and worldliness) of many public (and even Christian-) school kids, compared to the parent-orientation (and spiritual depth) of many homeschooled kids. Sometimes, the homeschooled parent-and-teen similarities were so strong, it was funny; but it showed us homeschooling’s discipleship potential.

For our family, it’s God’s call.

As for long-term vision, “Whenever God CALLS, He gives grace to COMPLETE.” I love the song, “His grace is enough . . . ” and the hymn, “Though none go with me, still I will follow . . . ”

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Simple Toddler Learning Activities

Sorting M & M's

Looking for some basic ideas for hands on learning fun for your littlest ones? Or maybe some simple activities that your toddler could do alone while you work with an older child? I have collected a bunch of different simple activities that I could do together with my toddler each day in between spending learning time with my older daughter. Many of these activities can be done independently. I have compiled them in a pdf document for your own use or to simply help give you some inspiration. Many times my four year old wants to join in the fun too! It provides such a fun springboard for focused quality time with my toddler which he enjoys immensely. There are approximately 25 different activities that can be sprinkled throughout the month.

I wrote each activity on an  individual 3 x 5 card. Bind index cards together with a simple hole punch and string for safe keeping and collect all your supplies and store in a basket for easy access all in one place. This way we could easily access an idea to do each day without running around the house trying to find the supplies.

Our toddler activity supply basket

These 25 activities can easily be rotated to complete on a monthly basis to keep reinforcing and building skills.  Let your child choose the activity if desired and play together. The document includes a master supply list, specific activities with the supplies needed for each activity, additional hands on learning toys that we recommend, and a list of fun songs to sing with your toddler.

Download Toddler Learning Activities document here.

Have fun!

Look at Me activity

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Fun and Frugal Field Trips

Written by monthly contributor, Emily Pastor.

I am not a home body.  As a stay-at-home mama, I love the chance to get out of the house with a fun and frugal destination in mind.  Taking intentional field trips with your young ones is a fun way to include them in the “back to school” season.  Field trips provide an excellent learning experience for children of all ages, but especially for little ones with short attention spans!  They don’t need to be fancy or expensive to be exciting and bursting with learning opportunities.  Here are a few ideas for outings both you and your little ones are sure to enjoy!

Library Story Times
Most libraries offer story times for young children and even babies. These “story-times” rightfully involve more singing and playing than they do “reading” but they introduce young children to the joys of the library in a fun and interactive environment. Story times are a fun weekly routine that offer social outlets for both mother and child and provide a weekly way to bring home new books to explore together.

Free Passes to Museums
Libraries usually offer free passes to area museums and zoos, which you are able to reserve much like you would a book. These passes often have a long list of holds (think hundreds) so don’t expect to see one soon, but if you’re not in a hurry and would like to enjoy some museums for free, this is a great option.

Parks and Playgrounds
Don’t forget the importance of play in learning! Children are wired to play. Playing opens doors to many areas of education such as social skills, physical coordination & development, creativity, and nature awareness. Find a new park or playground to explore with your little one and watch the learning unfold.

Nature walks
Take an age-appropriate nature walk. For a toddler, this might look like a walk down the block collecting pine cones and talking about how they look and feel. For an older child take a hike and collect leaves and identify them at home and make crayon rubbings of each one.

Local Farms
Farms make an excellent field trip for all ages. Young toddlers will love seeing animals up close and imitating them. Older children will enjoy learning how a cow is milked, sheep are sheared, or crops are rotated.  The next time you visit a farmer’s market, strike up a conversation with a friendly vendor and ask if they’d be willing to let your family visit their farm as an educational experience.

As you pursue fun and frugal field trips with your little ones, remember:

1. Be creative.  With a little creativity, a normal drive to the grocery store can become a game of “I spy” or a chance to learn a new song.  Pray that you would see and maximize the meaningful amid the mundane.

2. Not everything needs a lesson behind it!  Be careful not to turn everything into a lesson.  Children need to see their parents having fun just for the…well, fun of it!

3.  Ask the Lord for wisdom.  Pray each day that the Lord would give you wisdom on stewarding your child’s mind for that day.  Don’t get caught up in all the things your toddler needs to master before graduating high school.  Focus on today.

It is today for which we are responsible. God still owns tomorrow.
-Elisabeth Elliot

I’d love more field trip ideas to try!  What fun and frugal outings do you take with your little ones?

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Chore Charts for Little Ones

Setting up a simple chore system for my little ones was on the agenda this past month in our home and what a fun delight it has been to establish a little routine for my little ones to reinforce responsibility and service to one another in maintaining our home and cultivating good stewardship of the resources God has blessed us with. We have kept it very basic but doable for their levels.

Since they are not able to read at this level, we took pictures of each task, printed them out, glued them on construction paper (color coded for easy identification – blue for boy, pink for girl), and then laminated them. I cut them out and put them in envelopes on our refrigerator. We labeled one envelope with “do” for all the tasks yet to be completed, and the second envelope is labeled “done”, to which they can transfer the task card when it is completed. At the end of the day (twice a week or so), I will reward them with a nickle to put in their piggy bank.

Here are the tasks we assigned:

2 year old:

- Pick up library books and place in basket/shelves
- Carry plate to the sink after each meal
- Pick up personal clothes and put in hamper
- Pick up toys

4 year old:

- Make bed
- Pick up personal clothes and put in hamper
- Empty dishwasher
- Clear table after dinner
- Fold towels

Thus far we have incorporated the majority of these chores into our morning routine as we get ready for the day after breakfast. They will complete their chores while I clean up the breakfast dishes. We love to sing while we work – “Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share.” Keeps us all going when we work together and sing while we work!

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The Best Way To Teach Our Children

Photo credit

Written by monthly contributing writer, Kat at Inspired to Action.

It was 102 degrees outside.

“Mama? Can we go for a run?”

“Sure sweetie. Let’s go.”

We ran, we walked, we sweat buckets and we guzzled water.

Nine year olds don’t naturally want to go running in triple digit weather. So what made her do it?


She wanted to run because I run. She drinks tea (and tries to convince herself she likes it) because I drink tea. She rolls her eyes because I roll my eyes. Her closet is messy because my closet is messy.

For better or worse, our children are mirrors. They learn from our actions more than our words. One good example is worth more than a thousand good books, curriculum’s or sermons.

The best way to train our children is to imagine what we want them to be…

…and be that.

Note from Lindsay: This is Kat’s last post with us as a contributing writer. I just want to say a huge thank you for this dear friend and her faithful contributions over the last year and a half! Check out her awesome ministry over at Inspired to Action.

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Continuing Early Learning Preschool at Our Home

It is an exciting new year to continue our early learning education at our home! I am excited to take another year to really invest in my daughter, Karis, before launching her into kindergarten. Although she could begin this year with her knowledge of letters, sounds, and numbers, I don’t want to rush it or force her into a more structured environment before she is ready. At four years old she is in love with books, hands-on activities, and plenty of playful learning. We are starting to incorporate a fun Circle Time (inspired by Preschoolers and Peace) into our mornings together, including my two year old as well. This will be a time where we sit and read together, study the Bible, and memorize various Scripture, poems, the catechism and other things.

Here are some of our goals this year and the resources we will use to accomplish them:

1. Bible & Character Building

We will continue to read and re-read the Jesus Storybook Bible, as our favorite story bible for children. Along with this, we are reading Big Truth for Little Kids by Susan Hunt and memorizing the catechism questions. After completing this book, we will be studying the names of God using Desiring God’s resource, God’s Names. For character building, we plan to use a Child’s Book of Character Building series by Ron Coriell.

2. Memory work

We want to really utilize the fun and ease of memorizing in these early years to store up some basic facts and truths. We are memorizing one Scripture verse each week, utilizing My ABC Bible Verses to continue through reviewing and memorizing a verse for every letter of the alphabet. We also are memorizing the continents and oceans of the world and other countries using Geography Songs. I also want to memorize a few poems throughout the year.

3. Reading

As we feel inspired we will launch into a basic phonics program (but this will likely wait till next year), using Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading and The Reading Lesson. But ultimately, I don’t plan to rush it at all. My main goal for these early years is to continue to do a lot of reading together as a family. I am borrowing a weekly load of books from the library as we work through the 1000 Classics book list (for the primary level) and Sonlight’s Kindergarten book list recommendations. Although we are not using Sonlight this year, I certainly appreciate the book recommendations that are offered in their programs and want to enjoy the benefits of these excellent stories. We also have a list of quality literature that we are going to read aloud together throughout the year, most likely as a family in the evenings. Our list includes:

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Creative & Simple Activities For Kids

Written by monthly contributing writer, Michele at Frugal Granola.

My children love it when I announce, “It’s project time!” (And I love giving them simple, supervised outlets for their creativity, instead of discovering they’ve emptied out all the soap in the bathroom or honey in the pantry…)

I keep a simple stash of art supplies; nothing too fancy or extensive. We regularly replace items as they get used up (such as crayons. glue, or paper), but most supplies (such as small bottles of paint or glitter) last quite awhile- as long as they’re safely stored away from little hands.

Your list could certainly be even shorter than mine, and you would still be well-equipped for some creative fun! These are just the items we’ve gathered over the years, often from thrift stores or gifts.

Our Creative Supply List:

  • Crayons (including “chunky” ones for toddlers)
  • A few small bottles of Acrylic Paint or Watercolor Paint (mostly primary colors)
  • Watercolor and/or Colored Pencils
  • Pens & Pencils (plus a sharpener and eraser)
  • Paintbrushes
  • Markers (we rarely use these, actually)
  • Chalk (Try making your own with this Pavement Chalk recipe!)
  • Paper (Doodle Paper, Colored Paper, and Watercolor Paper)
  • Old Magazines (used for collages)
  • Glitter
  • Glue Sticks & Liquid Glue
  • Child-Safe Scissors
  • Beeswax
  • Fabric Scraps & Yarn/Ribbon
  • Felt
  • Art Smocks or Aprons
  • Grass Seed or Flower Seeds
  • Rubber/Foam Stamps (Or, make your own stamps with potatoes, celery, broccoli, apples, etc.)
  • Washable Placemats (homemade with paper collages covered in clear contact paper)
  • Pantry Items: Natural Food Coloring, Arrowroot Powder or Cornstarch, Essential Oils, Salt, Cream of Tartar
  • Outside Items (gathered by children as needed): Flowers, Leaves, Rocks, Acorns, Wood Pieces

Here are a few of our recent favorite projects:

Play Slime

Based on this “Clean” Play Slime Recipe, we mixed up a batch using arrowroot powder instead of cornstarch, since that is what I had on hand. My daughter wanted purple slime, so we mixed in some natural food coloring (reinforcing that “blue & red make purple”), and she also put in several drops of essential oil.

Homemade Recycled Crayons

You can see my post on these at Frugal Granola, where we gathered up all our random crayon pieces on a rainy day. They are the perfect size for little hands! We followed the instructions from Make & Takes.

Painted Rocks

My daughter loves gathering rocks from outside, and I gave her some acrylic paint to decorate a few. We also added a bit of glitter at the end, along with a few googly eyes & sequins (a gift from a librarian friend). I started just with primary color paints, and we practiced making secondary colors to decorate the rocks. She had so much fun making up names & characters for her rocks!

Some other versions of Rock Crafts:

Homemade Gluten-Free Playdough

We have our recipe, along with color/scent combination ideas at Frugal Granola. This is the most-requested project in our home!


We were inspired by these lovely Finger Knitted Flowers.

As we get ready for the new school year to begin, I’ve been preparing a list of new creative projects, along with our school plans. I keep my ongoing inspiration links at Pinterest, where I can refer to them as I make my plans.

Some future project ideas on my list are:

What are your children’s favorite creative activities?

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Scripture Memory with Toddlers

KJV BibleWritten by monthly contributor, Natalie Didlake

Hearing my children reciting scripture sometimes takes my breath away. Their little sing-song voices echo verses back to me as they repeat words they sometimes don’t even understand…”O Lord, you have searched me and known me…” Breathtaking!

But actually buckling down to work daily on scripture memory with little ones…it’s daunting! I used to idealize we’d learn scripture together, but I had no idea how to actually make it happen!

Here are some tips that have really helped scripture memory become a day-to-day reality at our house.

Start small.

To me, the important thing is to do something, no matter how small. It obviously isn’t a good idea to make them sit still for 30 minutes for memory drills right off the bat. We started with about 3-5 minutes of memory work each day. Read the passage in small portions and have your child repeat after you phrase by phrase.

Be expressive. (In other words, sound like you enjoy it!)

Vary inflection of your voice. This really seems to help my kids remember the words. I have noticed that when I accidentally change up our regular sing-song pattern while we’re practicing, they won’t remember it!

Think of it as giving auditory cues to boost their (and your) memory power. The Jews have a long history of chanting and singing the scriptures…and it sure works for them! Historically, it has not been uncommon for them to memorize whole Old Testament books. Phew!

Repetition, repetition, repetition.

Now that my kids know the drill, they actually love repeating the phrases over and over again! Children love repetition, especially when they are engaging and sharing it with others!

I have learned over time how much their brains can retain at one time, usually about 4-6 words. So, for example, I say a few words/a phrase, they say it. I say another one, they say it. And so on. Before long, they know it by heart!

Vary environment.

In college, I used to memorize on my 45-minute commute. It was a nice, long chunk of time, but unfortunately, I couldn’t remember much unless I was in the car! I had conditioned myself to only recall those scriptures during mindless driving. Odd, but true. Hopefully, I won’t set my kids up for this mistake.

Some places we do scripture memory are: lined up on the kitchen counter. Swinging. Snuggled up on the “big bed.” On a blanket in the yard. Riding in the car. On long walks.

This could be a great way of training children that they can interact with God and his Word anywhere, anytime. (See Deuteronomy 6, God’s instruction to parents to teach their children about him all throughout the day!)

Note: When I know my kids will struggle to focus, they sit on the couch, our “usual spot.” Having a neutral, routine environment to fall back on helps us work on memorizing even when they aren’t in an optimal mood.

Stop to explain the scriptures.

I have one child in particular who just loves to know why! How could I possibly turn down all those precious questions and comments when we’re memorizing?

I would never trade all the hours I’ve spent explaining, teaching, answering questions, giving examples, talking, and doing more explaining…for those little “lightbulb” moments when it clicks for them. It’s amazing to realize it actually might be sticking! God’s word really is like a seed! All we do is plant, and then wait and water and watch, and wait some more. (Luke 8:11)

Plus, it helps them remember! I would hardly enjoy memorizing German, why expect them to memorize verse after verse of what’s practically a foreign language to them?

Another note: Sometimes I have to cut off the questions and just plow through memorizing. I have had to accept they won’t “get” everything now. But they can still store it away for later!

Learn long passages.

I know this sounds hard. But it’s really not. It’s like eating a big steak…one bite at a time!

One “bite” at a time, we’ve managed to learn long Psalms, poems, blessings, and parts of the Epistles. It’s been the easiest approach we’ve tried by far!

I prefer to learn longer chunks over individual verses, so that I can keep the context and flow of argument in mind. I’m sure my kids aren’t benefiting from such things as context, at the ripe ages of 3 and 5…but they will later!

Also, it is easier for me to just use my Bible for review. No papers or cards, just a list taped inside the cover. With small children, simpler is always better. Soon, I’d like to have my Bible on our Kindle and work from that!

Explain why we are memorizing.

I periodically remind my kids all the reasons we do Bible memory. It really helps them to hear why, rather than me just “making” them. They are small, but they are human. Why not clue them in?

I reminded them:

Scripture can help prevent them from sin.

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. (Ps. 119:11)

Scripture can teach them about Jesus, who holds out their hope for life.

You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.(John 5:39)

Scripture can help clarify their hearts.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Heb. 4:12)

Addition from Lindsay:

Take advantage of fun Scripture memory CD’s set to music. Here are some of our favorites:

Songs for Saplings
God’s Word from A to Z

Steve Green’s Hide Em In Your Heart Vol 1
& Vol 2 (I love this version because it comes with the DVD adaption as well)
Seeds Family Worship (a whole series of songs with multiple CD’s for the whole family based on Scripture)

Where should you start?

We have always found it helpful to start with the ABC’s as our guide for memorizing Scripture to begin with toddlers and preschoolers. You can use one of the lists provided in the CD’s above. It helps reinforce the alphabet but also a good review reminder tool.

Otherwise, use simple passages that are meaningful to your family during this time of your life. Is your child struggling with lying? Fear? Obedience? Then, start with doing some word searches to find simple Scriptures that they could memorize to address these struggles.

Other easy lists to begin with:

10 Easy Bible Memory Verses (this list has a fun little coloring page that accompanies each memory verse)

30 Easy Bible Memory Verses (a follow up list to the one above)

My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God’s Word in Little Heart – this book is an easy place to start as it includes a Bible verse and character story to accompany it.

I do recommend memorizing the entire portion of the verse and not just shortening it as some of these portions do above. I think you will find that a child can learn a lot more than you might give them credit for, as long as you work in smaller portions. I just prefer to give them all of Scripture for their instruction and memory work.

What tips or ideas do you have to incorporate and simplify scripture memory into your family? Can’t wait to hear your ideas!

Photo Credit

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