Post written by monthly contributor, Kat.
I’ll bet you never thought you’d read that post title on this blog…
Let me explain.
We come to expect a certain response from our husband and children when we do things to serve them. A thank you, a smile, 12 dozen roses, foot-washing.
You know. Standard stuff.
Our families, however, aren’t always aware of the protocol. They don’t always respond the way we want them too. And we become disappointed. Disillusioned.
And we pout. Sometimes we give up and declare, “Well, if they’re not going to appreciate me, I’m just not going to go to all that effort.”
But when do those exact same acts with a heart to serve Jesus, we can only be disappointed if we don’t take time to listen to his ever flowing words of affirmation and love. He says, “Thank you for showing love to my precious ones.” “Thank you.”
Our families are blessed and served and we are encouraged.
We can choose to serve the fallen or the infallible. Only one will never disappoint.
When we serve Christ and our security is set in Him, we won’t demand it from our families who are incapable of giving it. And we are free to wholeheartedly serve because we require nothing in return.
I know that this article was written some time ago but:
Thank you for reminding me of who I should be serving in what order and with what attitude. We are experiencing our first child in May this year. I have been growing discouraged and feeling unappreciated as I struggle to adjust to a changing body and do everything i wish to do. My Husband is a great man I should be more thankful for all he does to provide for us rather than complaining . Thank you for being apart of my faith journey, only this morning I was praying that God would show me what i need to be working on. Gods timing is as perfect as ever.
Sigh. Just gave my family the “I am not the hired help” lecture tonight… along with the “I shopped for the groceries, made the meal, set the table, left to nurse the baby and you guys didn’t save any of the main dish for me?” lecture. Wish I would have taken the time to read this a few days ago.
This is SO right on. Thanks for the reminder!
So true and we often miss this incredible point in our role as mother and wife. Thank you for the gentle reminder!
Random Question, I am looking for play silks for christmas for my 3 year old daughter where did you get your or anyone who has advice I would love to hear.
I’ve purchased them in the past through Amazon or A Toy Garden.
Yes, yes. Serve Him–no one else. I used to scratch my head over the passages in the gospels where it seems like Jesus commands His true followers to hate their family…
For example: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26
…Having a healthy understanding of this verse in the context of scripture as a whole, and correlating it with the gracious, loving character of God, I now see how serious He is about desiring our hearts. He wants us to love Him and worship ONLY Him–not ourselves or our families. God alone is to be worshipped. And praise Him for that because I would be a lousy god.
12 dozen roses.. the standard stuff.. RoFL.. great post.
These words have been a blessing. Thank you for the simple poignancy of this message.
This is the message of the day! Thank you! How incredible God’s timing! This put my heart in perspective!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I’ve been so demanding lately and in my heart so bitter that my husband is not responding the way I want. If I was just doing everything I do with a heart to serve JESUS, then I wouldn’t be disappointed.
Thank you!
This is SO true! It’s so simple really when you think about it. As Christians and as women, our first mission field is our family. I might not get recognition from my family for cleaning and cooking, and that shouldn’t be my motivation. My motivation should be to serve my family because Christ has CALLED me to serve them.
I read “sacred marriage” a few months ago and it just opened my eyes to things God has been trying to tell me for years!
Wow, that was so what I needed! You know how God is dealing with you on something, and EVERYWHERE you turn, He’s gently reminding you of it? Tada! Thank you.
We serve an amazing God. =)
Thanks Kat for that reminder! Even though we should require nothing in return, make sure you are serving them according to not only their needs but also their love language. You won’t see much appreciation from your husband that you cleaned the house if his love language is touch. Instead greet him at the door like the king is home! Study your family and make sure you know what makes them feel loved and serve them in those ways too!
So encouraging to my heart today — thank you for that!