It was a wonderful privilege to speak at the Selah conference this past weekend at George Fox University. I was nervous as can be, and yet God’s grace was definitely present working in and through me as I spoke for two hours – the same session back to back – to nearly 200 ladies. I was thankful to have my mom, sisters, and my dear friend, Kate, present to support me throughout the day. I was able to record my session on the topic of “Missional Homemaking: Cultivating a life of radical generosity“. Learn the beautiful plan of God’s intention for the use of the home as a soul saving station. Cultivating the art of living simply in order to give generously. I would love for you to pass this on to any others that you know would appreciate hearing it. All glory to God!
Click on this link to hear my session:
Missional Homemaking – Selah 2010 Conference
Below is the handout I provided which is a simple take home worksheet to help practically apply the 12 different principles I shared.
Lindsay, I have just stumbled onto your website and love what your message was about! I am an author who has just written a book called “The Missional Mom”–you can check it out for free online as a blogger if you’re curious: You may find it really resonates with the things you share here! Blessings to you!
lindsey, i’ve just found your blog and i’m really impressed with what you have created. you have so many gifts to share!
i am-as of yet- unmarried, but it has always been my desire to marry, have children, and stay at home. for some reason, this goal is NOT respected in our culture, and i can’t understand why. the last guy i dated did not want to marry a girl who made less than him (he made quite a bit more than i do). i am feeling frustrated and losing hope that i will ever live the life i believe i am meant to live (i am in my early 30s, single). i have been praying for an answer.
on the one hand, it seems that men do not want women who think about things like marriage and babies. conversely, i have also heard the message that being too independant (i.e. able to support myself, able to take care of myself without a man) is sending the wrong message as well. it seems like a woman can’t win in today’s culture, and of course the bills must be paid whether or not there is a husband in the picture. this is all very frustrating. i know where my place is and i am not there.
oops, this reply was meant for a different post, sorry if it is not appropriate to the subject matter
Dear sister, I know your struggles. It can seem like a gloomy world out there…but we serve an awesome sovereign God who is able to send you a godly man with his priorities in the right place. Be encouraged. These kind of men are out there. It is a value that is totally not respected in our culture, but it is one that God honors. Submit your desires to the Lord and he will guide you to the right man or He may call you to use your singleness for His service. Check out the resources by Nancy Leigh Demoss, especially Singled out For Him. She is a godly single woman who has passionately served the Lord all her life being unmarried. She is a great encouragement to me daily!
I just finished listening to your talk. I was so blessed. Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone. I am new to your blog, and I am so happy to have come across this. I just finished reading “Radical Christianity” by Francis Chan, and I have been inspired by his life. Your talk goes hand in hand with the book. Thanks again .
I just realized that I attributed the book Radical Christianity to Francis Chan. It was the book Crazy Love. Sorry about that. It was at night when I posted this, and I was tired. Thanks again for your inspiring us in our walk.
I am so bummed. I keep trying to listen, but I keep getting an internet explorer error page. Any advice?
I took the time to listen to this while my husband was away for a few days. We are beginning to talk about how much money we can set aside for missions/hospitality, and also creative ways to reach out and minister to both the saved and the lost!
Thank you so much for sharing this with us! You have a tremendous ministry here on the world wide web, and I am blessed and grateful!
Wah! I can’t get this load this morning. I don’t think it’s my computer…. Is everything ok on your end?
What a gift you extended by posting the link to your seminar at the Selah Conference. I have been encouraged by it and gleaned from it…ways to incorporate more hospitality and intentionalism in our times of hospitality. We love opening our home as the Lord provides those times and opportunities to do so. Several of the ideas you mentioned, we have done and some have inspired me to do more in the future.
May the Lord bless you and keep you as He uses you to share your God-given gifts with others ~
Blessings ~
really enjoyed listening to this. To God be the Glory for allowing you to be used by him!
I just wanted to thank you for this blessing. I was so convicted and talked over many of the points you made with my husband. I think we try to cultivate generosity and hospitality, but hearing how committed your family is to carrying out your intentions was wonderful and a much-needed challenge for where we are right now. I particularly felt convicted by your comment about giving up coffee in order to meet your budget of generosity. Thank you for opening your heart, sharing scripture, and for being willing to challenge the status quo. Keep living for the Lord, and sharing your insight from scripture… it is truly a blessing.
I remember my first time making greens. I decided to make them creamed…. they were terrible but not as bad as the other thing I made to go with them. My husband ate the greens, I ate the patties, and we both ate the cornbread (with a lot of water because it was so dry).
I enjoyed listening. Unfortunately my computer acted up and I didn’t get to hear it all. I hope to read Open Heart, Open Home at some point. It looks interesting.
Thanks for doing this blog.
The conference was wonderful, wasn’t it? Was in on your second session and really enjoyed it! Jenny
i can access the handout but not the session.
This is my first time commenting on your blog. I wanted to say what a blessing listening to your talk was to me! I am a mother of a 6-year-old boy and am leaving full-time employment outside of the home to be home and to homeschool. I never saw the home as a little church or as having the potential for missions; thanks to your blog, I see wonderful opportunities to serve Christ! Thank you so much for your ministry and for your efforts to educate women.
God Bless,
Jenny Juliana
Linds, this was so incredibly inspiring to me! Thank you so much for let God use you. What a blessing you are in my life
I am a 2008 George Fox Alumni and I really wish I could have been there! I currently live in Denver so it would be a little far:)
I will definitely be listening and reading the handout though! Thanks!
I listened to this today, and was truly encouraged. It gave me motivation for the rest of my day, staying at home with my son, which I have been lacking other days.
Thanks so much for listening to the Lord and sharing.
Thank you Lindsay! I just finished listening and it was such a challenge and blessing. Thank you!
Could not access handout either.
I’m so glad it went well! I was thinking about you this weekend. I’m looking forward to listening to your recording!
What a wonderful opportunity to teach! Thanks for sharing & you should know—-You look so pretty in these pictures!
Thanks for making this available online! I appreciated your practical tips and was inspired in a do-something kind of way!
Just finished listening… very inspiring and challenging! Thanks, Lindsay!
I just listened to your presentation – wonderful! Thank you for posting this; it really fits in with where my husband and I are at and is great encouragement for us.
I was at your second session and it was wonderful. Thanks for all that you shared…
I’m enjoying listening to this right now. And btw, I have lived in the deep south all my life, and STILL can’t get collard greens right. So don’t feel bad. But trust me, when they’re good, they’re very good!
I have been listening this morning and i just wanted to thank you for sharing!! Your blog is my favorite, I have learned so much from you. As I was listening I thought about hospitality and how my husband just isn’t the type to invite people into our home. But, then i thought about all the neighbor kids who are here on a regular basis playing with our kids. They are mostly from non christian families, many are from broken homes. We have talked in the past about how we would like them to see that a christian family is different. But, after listening, I have decided to pray about how I can intentionally show these kids the love of Christ while they are at my home. It can be as simple as offering them cookies and lemonade. Thank you for the inspiration!
I, too, thought your mom was a sister or friend.
I was there and it was my favorite session! Great job Lindsay, you encouraged many women this weekend!! =)
Ahh! You are so sweet!
thank you, thank you, thank you…. This was a great encouragement and reminder of what we desire for our family. I’ve got lots of work to be where I want to be, and have found great encouragement from your site.
listening right now…definitely a message that needs to be out there in our be-busy-outside-the-home-mentality society.
Just a note – when I tried to open the outline link, there was nothing there.
This is so great!! I can’t wait to listen!! It seems God is using you in powerful ways!! Way to let him work! Thanks so much for you servant heart!
Have a blessed day!
- Megan
Wow! Thanks for posting this.
BTW, tell your mom that I thought she must have been your sister before I read the caption.
That’s awesome! I’ll have to come back to listen during naptime.
I love how you look so happy (and cute too)!
Looking forward to meeting you at Relevant!
What an encouragement on this dreary Monday morning in Kentucky!
Thank you so much for sharing! You did a wonderful job!
Thank you so much! You are Beautiful! I can’t wait to listen to it today as I fold the laundry! Finally something worthwhile to challenge my mind as I fold instead of watching a show! I so appreciate your ministry! Thanks!
Thank you for posting your session! I can’t wait till I have the opportunity to listen to it! You are such a blessing!
Thanks for posting your mini session. I’ve been following your blog for around a year now. Since I discovered soap nuts. Which I use and love.
Then I read about the Selah conference on your blog and signed up and went with my youngest daughter.
We enjoyed the day together. I wanted to go to all the mini sessions and we chose the one on health and just food.
I just listened to yours and enjoyed it tremendously. Thanks for what God has laid on your heart to share.
I’ve been a homemaker for 32 years and love it, I feel the same about it as you do.
God Bless.
How inspiring! Loved it
Good for you!! I’m about to listen right now. Bless you for sharing what God has gifted you with!
Oh how I would have loved to have been there! Loved that handout. Thanks so much, I get so much out of your website.
WAY TO GO GIRL! You are awesome! Thanks be to God for all you do and the example you are. I can’t wait to watch the links.