Lately I have been exploring in the world of coconut milk kefir! Our family has been consuming regular raw milk kefir for a few years now, but recently, we lost our frugal milk source, and I was forced to rethink and consider some other nutritious options. Enter…coconut milk kefir!
Kefir is typically made from cow’s milk that is fermented with kefir cultures. It is similar in taste and texture to a drinkable plain yogurt with a bit of a tangy flavor to it. It is known for many health benefits including boosting the immune system, stimulating digestion, protecting against the spread of harmful yeast overgrowth, lowering cholesterol, and guarding against cancer. It is a powerful probiotic that helps beneficial bacteria to thrive in the body.
Coconut milk is naturally rich in medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). Two of the primary MCFAs found in coconut milk, lauric and capric acid, are known for supporting the body’s immune system. Coconut products contains monolaurin, a fatty acid found in human mother’s milk, which has proven antiviral, antibacterial, and fungal properties that support natural immunity. It has a creamy taste and texture that’s similar to cream (with half the fat and calories) or milk (when diluted). It tastes on the flavor of what you mix it with, making it ideal for both sweet and savory recipes. It is completely dairy, gluten, and soy free, making it the most nutritious option and alternative for the dairy intolerant.
When I searched online for information to make coconut milk kefir, I was surprised to see the serious lack of information on this topic. There appears to be two different options. Coconut water kefir and coconut milk kefir. I wanted to make coconut kefir with coconut milk because it is cheaper and easier. I am all for simplicity. Most of my searching and emailing different companies (Weston A Price & Body Ecology) came up with no responses, so I had to venture out on my own with some help from Julie at Cultures for Health.
Coconut milk kefir works beautifully with milk kefir grains yielding a thick and creamy coconut cream topping for your coffee, ice cream, smoothies, or curries with all the healthy bacterial benefits! Check out Healthy Cooking Coaches recipes for Strawberry & Vanilla ice cream using coconut kefir. You can use it as whipped cream substitute on top of pancakes or waffles (sweetening as desired) or use it in replacement of buttermilk or water in many baked goods recipes. There are no end to the ideas for its usage.
For a tutorial on making coconut water kefir, visit The Nourishing Gourmet or Body Ecology Diet.
Coconut Milk Kefir
1 quart glass jar
2 Tbsp milk kefir grains (available through Cultures for Health)
2 cans unsweetened undiluted coconut milk or 1 quart So Delicious Coconut Milk (It has been confirmed that Native Forest Coconut Milk is canned in a BPA-free can)
- Place the milk kefir grains in the quart size glass jar and cover with coconut milk. Carefully mix together with a non-metal spoon (please forgive my forgetfulness on this point in the video!).
- Cover loosely with a towel or cloth napkin and allow the coconut kefir to culture on the countertop for 12-36 hours.
- After 12 hours, check the coconut kefir every few hours so you can remove the kefir grains as soon as it reaches the desired consistency. If you let it sit too long it will become more sour and very thick, making removal of the grains more difficult.
- Remove grains and store them covered with a small amount of milk in refrigerator between batches or follow up immediately with another batch.
- Place a lid over the remaining coconut milk kefir in the jar and store in the refrigerator. Note that it will get significantly thicker in the refrigerator as it cools, so it is a perfect consistency to use as whipping cream and such.
Cultures for Health suggests that it may take a batch or two for the milk kefir grains to adapt to coconut milk but if the milk doesn’t kefir properly during the adjustment period, it is still safe to cook with. They do recommend returning the grains to cow or goat milk periodically to refresh them (and they can adapt back to making raw cow/goat milk kefir).
Here’s my little video tutorial:
Can I use kefir packets to make coconut milk kefir? What if I am dairy intolerant?
I originally thought that kefir packets would be a better alternative than grains for those with dairy allergies. I asked Julie at Cultures for Health about her opinion and this is what she shared: Powdered packets should work with coconut milk but since they are in a dairy carrier, they’re not really going to be an improvement on the grains and it’s questionable how well they will re-culture (using a small amount from the previous batch to make the next batch) making them potentially a costly option. It might actually be less costly to occasionally buy more kefir grains than to buy lots of packets of kefir starter. We’ve taken to trying to steer the dairy intolerant to water kefir for their probiotics for this reason. Plus kefir packets aren’t really a natural culture and contain less than 10 probiotic strains compared to the 30 or so contained in kefir made with grains.
So there are options to try and experiment with, but the best option might be to stick with water kefir grains and the coconut juice method if you have dairy allergies. Packets can be used if you do not have allergies but the best results will come from using grains and rotating back and forth from culturing in coconut milk to cow/goat’s milk.
Can I dilute the coconut milk to make it stretch further?
Unfortunately you don’t want to dilute the coconut milk since that would leave less sugar for the kefir grains to eat and potentially damage the grains.
Can I make coconut milk kefir with water kefir grains?
Julie at Cultures for Health shares, “Dom’s kefir site claims you can acclimate water kefir grains to milk (but I don’t believe he mentions anything about coconut milk) but I personally haven’t tried it and never heard from anyone who has. If you happen to have a significant surplus of water kefir grains though, it might be worth trying. It certainly would be great for people with dairy allergies—normally if someone has an allergy we just steer them to water kefir.”
Is there any benefit of making coconut water/juice kefir over coconut milk kefir?
Julie again shares, “Both coconut water kefir and coconut milk kefir would contain basically the same probiotic benefits so at that point I think it would just be a matter of the nutritional differences in the original liquids. Coconut water is more of an electrolyte type beverage (I keep some around for when we get sick but beyond that we don’t drink very much) whereas coconut milk is a very concentrated source of healthy fats. Both are perfectly healthy but I think they just ultimately have different purposes.”
Can I used powdered coconut milk?
A few readers suggested below that powdered coconut milk is a cheaper alternative. I understand that powdered milk products are best to be avoided. “It is manufactured through a spray drying process of raw unsweetened coconut cream. This is very different from the more widely available and coarser desiccated coconut which is made by grating machines that shred the white coconut flesh.
When coconut milk powder is spray dried, this has the effect of mixing oxygen (from the air) into the powder, under very hot drying conditions. As a consequence, coconut milk powder is “oxidized” and will go rancid quite quickly if not refrigerated and consumed within one or two days. This process also has the effect of increasing nitrate levels in powdered milk, whether it be dairy or coconut powdered milk. High levels of nitrates can increase the risk of cancer.” (The Incredible Coconut Book)
Coconut kefir does exist on the market now thanks to the efforts of So Delicious, but it cannot be compared with the homemade variety! Read more about that here. Making it yourself can always save you money and produce the highest nutrient content!
I enjoyed your post. Well written, easy to follow and simple. Thank you. I look forward to trying this and teaching it to my clients.
Will the kefir grains ever get a chance to adapt to the coconut milk, if they’re placed in cow’s milk between batches??
Thanks for all the info. I have made kefir before but not with coconut milk which sounds absolutely delicious and lots of health benefits.
After making coconut milk kefir I put it in the refrigerator. What is happening is I find
the fat in the coconut milk turns hard like wax. Is that the way it is supposed to be?
I heard a little about switching to cow or goat milk after a couple of times to keep the grains strong. I wasn’t sure what the process was to do this. Do you mix it in with the coconut grains? Do you really have to switch or can you just start out with new grains after two time of use. Sounds expensive. I also have coconut kefir grains in my freezer. How long do they keep. I think I’ve had them a while.
I have tried making coconut milk kefir several times now and it just doesn’t seem to be working for me. I used the “Pure Silk” brand in a carton. It looks like you’re using canned milk. Is this the problem I’m having? Thanks!
FWIW, I got it to work once with coconut milk from Soy Delicious and Cultures for Health milk grains. I also made it at 95-98F (to get more flora than yeast) in the Pacific Northwest. The second time I did the same thing (same ingredients). But, I didn’t check the temperature strictly and I was in the desert southwest. It did not turn out the 2nd time. Whether those factors matter, I do not know… but I have read making kefir is an art.
However, in a class I took (on kefir), the instructor mentioned that it did not work in her 7-grain milk due to some ingredient. I do not remember what it was.
So, try again with your milk or try a different milk. Not that this recipe calls for it, but: I also heard that tap water could kill the kefir grains b/c of the chlorine…or was it fluoride. I cannot remember too well. Use spring water, just in case.
Hi there! I was just wondering if you would be able to make coconut kefir with homemade coconut milk rather then store bought?
I have been curious about this. Have you tried making your own coconut milk for the kefir? If you didn’t get it to work, I heard tap water (filled w/ chlorine) could kill the kefir. Use spring water. HTH
I’ve been looking for a dairy alternative and love coconut milk – I will definitely be trying this!
Have you tried living it for longer then 36 hours? Im trying to make virgin coconut oil and i heard that if you leave it longer you could get coconut oil. Do you have any information about that?
I am finally making this! The Cultures for Health brand can have Streptacoccous (sp?). Is this okay to have in the final product? Or does preparing at the recommended temperature affect the strep bacteria…and get rid of it? I’m confused if having it alive there is a good thing or a bad thing.
Also, I just had a class on the benefits of kefir (but not how to make it) and they say preparing at room temperature gives you both yeast & flora… and, preparing at ~95F gives you mostly flora and little yeast. They say you want the latter. Any ideas on this?
I’ve been making water kefir for about 6 weeks now with great success. The kefirs double in volume after one fermentation.
However, I’m not having as much success with the milk kefir. The first and second were creamy and little tart, using skim milk. I can’t stand the taste of whole milk. They were growing, bit by bit with the skim milk. Then I tried an almond/coconut milk. No creaminess at all, and I let it ferment long, to the point where the the curds were floating at the top, with a layer of water, and then a layer of almond/coconut milk. I’ve tried the almond/coconut milk several times, and nada.
I’ve gone back to skim milk occasionally, and, again, it doesn’t thicken at all. I still drink it, and it’s a little tangy, so I’m sure that I’m getting the probiotics.
Also, when I change from skim milk to almond/coconut milk, I rinse the kefirs in boiled water at room temperature.
Am I doing something wrong? Have I injured the kefirs in some way?
Thank in advance for your assistance!
The kefirs (actually called kefir grains) will die if rinsed with boiling water! Cold or luke warm water is all, and you don’t need to rinse them unless changing from milk to water or milk to coconut milk, etc.
I refer to ‘kefir grains’ as ‘kefir’. Semantics aside, they are one and the same.
I didn’t write that, “I rinse them in boiling water.” I wrote that, “I rinse them in *boiled* water” . The past participle indicates that the water had been boiled some time previously.
Hi Lisa,
I wonder if you might want to share some excess water kefir. Mine was never strong and just recently fizzled out. My milk kefir is very hearty in milk and coconut if you want to trade. I had the same experience with the coconut/almond, nothing.
Also, if you don’t like the taste of whole milk, what about flavoring your kefir? I use everything from cinnamon to mango juice to herbs and salt. Yum!
[email protected]
Does anyone know if I can use the sugary water kefir that has been stored (hibernating) in the fridge for 3 weeks while on holidays or do I have to throw out the stored kefire water and start fresh?
Very much interested in making a batch of coconut kefir, two questions tho…
Trader Joes has a lovely coconut milk I’d like to use, not as heavy as the canned version, probably similar to “So Delicious”. If I add a sprinkle of sugar would that make it work. I am not adverse to a pinch dietarily speaking. Or, what about blending a date in and then culturing?
Sharon said; “The dairy kefir grains adapt to coconut milk over a few batches. If I go back to dairy for someone, I do rinse the grains.”
Does this mean you don’t have to return the grains to milk? That would be a big plus for me since we don’t drink milk, although I do have yogurt and my husband’s requisite half & half.
For further help on this, I would recommend you talk with Julie at She is more thoroughly knowledgeable in this area.
I only send them back to milk if I’m making some for someone else as I don’t use dairy myself. My grains have been fine in coconut milk for long periods.
I have been making pastured raw milk kefir for awhile now. In 24 hours of culturing I have a very thick kefir which I use for smoothies. I have tried making kefir with the So Delicious brand coconut milk. Because I have had for many years a raging systemic Candida/yeast/overgrowth I assiduously avoid sugars. So I use the unsweetened coconut milk. The kefir that results does not really have that tangy yeasty smell the milk kefir gets nor does it thicken. It just separates into a little bit of gelatinous white solids on top and mostly water below. Is this because of lack of sugar resulting in lack of fermentation? Since I can’t use sugar might I use a little FOS (fructo-oligo-saccharides) as they are supposed to feed friendly bacteria and not bad bacteria? What about a small amount of raw unfiltered honey? Rather not tho. Concerned about that feeding the Candida in my guts.
Any insights would be appreciated.
Hi Adam, I had no success using the So Delicious coconut milk (it just separated and curdled) but it’s worked well to use a can of coconut milk (I use Aroy-D as no plastic liner) watered down to fit into a quart sealer. Good luck.
The dairy kefir grains adapt to coconut milk over a few batches. If I go back to dairy for someone, I do rinse the grains.
hi sharon,
i used two cans of arroy D brand milk to 2 TBSP healthy milk kefir grains. the first batch was OK. the second batch had a slight almost fuzzy film on the top that i never see on my raw milk kefir. then put the grains in raw milk (their usual diet) and let kefir for 24 hours. the milk kefir got a thicker fuzzy coating on top. what is going amiss? should i use more kefir grains? less coco milk? both? or is this just my grains adjusting to their new medium? the fuzzy layer is disconcerting, is this just a sign of the grains acclimating to the coco milk? how many grains do you use for your quart of coco milk?
Hi Jenna;
Seems like you might need more grains for that much coconut milk. I use about 2-3 tablespoons of grains for 1 can of watered down Arroy-D.
I’m not sure about the fuzzy coating as I’ve never had that happen. I tend to smell and taste to figure out if something is amiss. If it smells off, something’s gone wrong. Apparently
A great source for kefir issues is Dom’s kefir making site
Hope you sort it out as the coconut kefir is sooo nice!
I thought kefir grains fed off the sugars that are naturally present in “milk,” whether from an animal or plant source. If I were to buy coconut milk, rather than making it myself, wouldn’t I need to buy the sweetened version (rather than the UNsweetened)? It was my assumption that once the sugars are no longer present, then the kefir start to die off. Please advise. Thank you, Christine
Thanks for the posts. Is your recipe for WATER kefir or MILK kefir grains? I only use water kefir and wondered if it would work with them. Also, a previous post asked about the separating of creamy liquid and yellowy liquid ~ is that what one can expect if using water kefir?
thanks much. will look forward to a reply
I’ve been making coconut milk kefir for a long time. Aroy-D canned coconut milk is also non BPA. I mix 1 can of coconut milk and enough water to almost fill a quart sealer, then add the kefir grains and culture for about 48 hours, stirring once or twice during the process. The consistency when it’s cultured is more like thick milk/thin yogurt (when stirred as the coconut fat rises to the top).
Thanks for your great website and useful information!
What about using fresh coconut milk, made from a fresh coconut?
I think it best if you can get fresh coconut milk (santan). In Malaysia the fermentation process is less than 6 hours. Any longer and you get pure coconut oil (which is great for massages) and a thick fermented cream (which is amazing to make cheese). Great instructions though.
I was wondering if I can use canned coconut milk with water kefir grains?
I added kefir grains to coconut milk as suggested. What i now have is about 1 inch of kefir of a yoghurt consistency and nearly a litre of clear yellowish liquid. is this right? if not what should i do?
To confirm you are saying:
so if you have dairy allergies you should use grains rather than packets? But it’s still a chance of reaction so best is water kefir?
How is this dairy free if the kefir grains are cultured in animal milk? I’m new to kefir, obviously, but am interested in making this, and my daughter is severely allergic to animal milk…except mama milk. Could I culture kefir grains in breastmilk? Can you just make coconut milk kefir with water kefir grains?
Should I be washing the milk grains before using them to start a coconut kefir?
It’s not necessary unless you are allergic in some way to the milk.
Do you know if using regular milk kefir grains in this would leave trace amounts of casein behind? Could you use water kefir grains in the coconut milk? Thanks!
Can I make this from coconut milk I make from blended young coconuts?
Yes, I believe so.
I adore you and I hope it is ok but I posted your instrux and gave you credit of course plus I posted on facebook because I think you do such a great job at making coconut milk kefir. Thanks so much for your dedication to health. I am a holistic health coach and just love meeting other like minded people.THANKS!!!!
I’m getting ready to switch to coconut milk kefir–I’ve been making kefir for a year, but now we’re going to eliminate dairy for a few weeks (suspected allergies). How will I know when my grains need to be “refreshed” in cow’s milk again? H
Unforuntately, I don’t really know if there is any clear sign that signals whether they need to be refreshed. I just understand it needs to be done every few times.
Most canned Coconut milk have preservatives and stablizers added. Will this be a problem in making Kefir?
I have not heard whether or not that is the case. I do not believe there are preservatives unless they specifically label them on the can. I have never had a problem making coconut milk kefir with Native Forest or Thai Kitchen brands.
I am trying with coconut milk I buy at Trader Joes but it doesn’t thicken at all. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Mirjam! I had the same problem with the Trader Joes kind. I believe it’s because it’s not the full fat coconut milk that Linsday uses. When I bought the Thai Kitchen brand full fat coconut milk, it thickened perfectly.
Linsay – thanks for writing this!
I’ve been making coconut milk kefir for a couple of years now, & only ‘refreshed’ my grains on local goatsmilk sometime last year … thinking of doing it again, as I only have about a Tbsp of grains (or getting some back from a friend who uses cows milk & always has TONS of grains! tee hee) … I wrote about it, too
I also use the tinned milk, & go through about 3 cans a week. I thin mine with 1/2 C well water (from country friends, not fluoridated) & add about 1/2 tsp OG brown sugar to give the bacteria a bit more ‘food’ … Carolyn – it’s really so simple, even if you’re busy, it takes longer to write about than to actually make!!
I usually reserve about 1/4 C plain coconut milk for fresh use, & use that in my tea, but use kefir for most everything else! Smoothies with frozen fruit, frozen kefir, a dollop on quinoa/amaranth … I got my grains from Marilyn Kefirlady, who cultures hers on goatsmilk ( & she recommends making kefir cheese! (has instructions in the pages she sends with the culture)
In the video you use Thai Kitchen. Most canned coconut milks are high in BPAs. One brand that claims to be BPA-free is Native Forest. It’s organic, too.
This is a great tutorial on making coconut kefir. I just received my kefir grains and have been using pasturized goat’s milk until my raw source comes available. The milk has a goaty taste and is very prominant in my smoothies and such. I am still making small 1/2 cup batches at a time to grow the grains. Do you know if the kefir eventually mask the goaty taste of the milk? My kids call it a ‘farmyard taste’.
I have been looking for more info on coconut kefir before trying milk grains in coconut milk.
You have summed up what I have found and more. I think I am ready to make coconut kefir now. Thanks for the tips and ideas on how to use the final product.
Fresh Goats milk is a strong flavor that is hard to mask. You may just try using less to build up their taste to it.
Oddly enough the raw goats milk I have had did not have the goaty taste. It had something to do with separating the males from the females. That is why I thought it odd this pasteurized goat’s milk tasted goaty and sold in stores.
I think you are right, though. I’ll have to use less at a time until I use this 1/2 gallon up. Then I’ll keep it only for my in between batches of Coconut Kefir.
Thanks for your response.
Lindsay, the goat milk tastes best if it is super fresh, and should be chilled asap after being milked. Store-bought goat milk is never as fresh or good, but the raw goat milk if treated properly is never goaty. If it is, it wasn’t chilled as fast as it should be or the goat is developing a mastitis.
I have made this and now want to make a batch with the little left over. Can you do that with kefir or coconut kefir? Do I have to start fresh each time? Thanks for you response….hope I don’t sound like such a newbie but I am
You don’t need any from the previous batch, just rotate your grains between cow’s milk and coconut milk for the best results.
Hi! I have made coconut milk kefir twice now, once with a starter and once with grains. Both times it came out pretty runny still. It did taste sour, but never thickened up. I let it sit for almost 24 hours each time. I tried to read through the comments to see if anyone had the same experience, but I didn’t see it. Anyhow, just wondering if there’s something different I should try. I used Trader Joe’s brand coconut milk, which is “light,” wondering if that might make a difference…
It would only really thicken up once you put it in the fridge. Coconut does that when it is below 76 degrees. The light version would certainly not give it as much thickness as a whole coconut milk version, and not half as nutritious either.
Thank you! I’ll have to try and find the full fat version. For some reason, Trader Joe’s only carries the light one. I might have to trek over to the Whole Foods.
In my opinion, in Northern CA, WFM coconut milk is terrible for making keifer. It is super lumpy, so unless you pre-blend it to gain a smooth consistency first, you get lumpy keifer.
I just bought some water kefir grains today so I”m very new to the kefir world, but I wanted to share my source of inexpensive coconut milk. I make mine from dried unsweetened coconut. I do not buy organic yet because of budget constraints, so the coconut I buy is $1.60/lb. There is 6 cups of coconut to a pound. Each cup of dried coconut make 1.5 cups of rich, creamy coconut milk, for a total of 9 cups of milk/lb. That’s about $0.18/cup.
Here is a good how-to on making coconut milk from dried coconut:
When I make mine I just do all the water at once, I’m too lazy to strain twice. The harder you squeeze your coconut pulp the fattier your milk will be.
I hope this helps!
Hello! Thanks for this wonderful info. I’m wondering if anyone has made hemp-seed kefir? Thanks!
how do I make the coconut milk kefir while using just the thai kitchen coconut milk? I have 2 batches going, each with 1 Tbs kefir and 1 can of coconut milk. they are on their 2nd batch b/c of the sour taste- how do I cut down on this and should I combine the two batches? is is ok to see almost a mold like substance growing?
Do you have to use a combination of the so delicious coconut milk and the thai kitchen, or can you just use the thai kitchen c.m.? I am new to making kefir and I have used 2 batches of 1 can of thai kitchen coconut milk to 1 tbs of milk kefir- they are on their 2nd batch since I did not like their sour- how would you reccommend I make this while using just the thai kitchen coconut milk? how do I vut down on the sour taste? Thank you!
Oh and my last question…
That SO Delicious Unsweetened Coconut Milk you have has 0 grams of sugar.
So what exactly are you feeding the grains with?
I was under the impression that we needed to use something with sugar in it.
Maybe the original So Delicious Coconut Milk would be better??
Let me know… : )
[email protected]
Is coconut milk kefir ok for hypoglycemics?
This is so helpful! I'm in my first couple of weeks of making kefir, and it's so hard to tell if what I'm doing is right since I've only had the lifeway kefir smoothies before. I'm making it from raw cow's milk, still whole from a jersey cow. Glad to hear that if we eat the little tiny grains it's okay!
It looks a lot thicker than your coconut kefir, almost as thick as my yogurt. That's after 24 hours and not refrigerating the grains at all.
So what should it taste like? Because we've been making smoothies and they taste completely creamy with no sour taste compared to yogurt smoothies. We even used some in rice pudding, just a little, and it didn't taste sour or tangy. Before I refrigerate the finished kefir, the smell about knocks me over. But when its chilled there's not really any smell.
Here's my question: It's pretty thick and it tastes really creamy. Is that normal?
Yes, that sounds right! The level of thickness will just depend upon how long you let it sit out for. 24-36 hours is the estimated time frame. Coconut milk kefir will get very solid once it is refrigerated…I totally spaced on mentioning that. I don’t think you need to worry about what it tastes like. You will know when it is too sour.
It is very potent when it has cultured too long. It will affect the taste of your smoothies…trust me.
Great post & tutorial!
I’ve been making coconut milk kefir for over a month now, & love it!! I ordered grains (both milk & water kefir) from Marilyn Kefirlady – the milk kefir grains have adapted beautifully to culturing coconut milk. I have a source of local goats’ milk, & have switched to that a couple of times – it never sets as well as the coconut milk! I use one tin of OG coconut milk (have tried several brands, & they are all fine) & usually add 1/2 tin of water, as Dr Fife suggests for a more potable consistency. I add ~ 1/4 tsp calcium/mag. powder to the milk.
Dr Mary Newport has reversed her husbands early onset Altzheimer’s using coconut oil, (her paper on this is being presented at an international conference this spring) & I’ve read a suggestion (Dr Fife?) on drinking ~ 1/2 – 1 C coconut milk before bed to prevent blood sugar drops (esp important for folks with B. S issues) – the kefir works great for this!
If it’s extra thick, I use it as kefir cheese – great on rice cakes, etc. I got a canning funnel, & use a wooden spoon when I’m straining (Marilyn feels using a stainless steel funnel is fine – very brief contact, & it hasn’t been a problem for me)
Hi Dia,
I see where you said coconut milk kefir works great before to control blood sugar.
So it would be ok for hypoglycemics?
I’m hypoglycemic…
I finished my first batch of coconut milk kefir tonight and I added stevia (maybe too much) and about 20-30 minutes aftr I was having blood sugar issues.
SweetLeaf Stevia Liquid Vanilla Creme
Thai Kitchen Coconut Milk
Kefir Grains
What could be causing me the problems?
So have you tried using the So Delicious Coconut milk to make yogurt? I thought since it worked for kefir it should work for yogurt, but afte 24 hours it wasn’t fully set and I wasn’t sure if I should let it sit longer or if it wasn’t gonna work at all ?
any thoughts?
No, I have not. I understand that it will not set up as well as store bought coconut milk yogurt because they had stabilizers and such to it. It can be done according to Cultures for Health, but you will get a very thin yogurt.
Lindsay… how much grains do the Kefir starters contain? I tried to see on cultures for health but couldn’t find it. they come in a pouch.. but how much is in one pouch?
I’m not sure. You’d have to ask Julie at Cultures for Health. She is always very prompt. There is a difference between the dehydrated kefir grains and kefir packets which are a powered starter.
I’m confused…you switched to coconut milk because you lost your “frugal” dairy source. But isn’t coconut milk a lot more expensive than cow’s milk? I’m new to your site and don’t know much about health food. Am I missing something. Maybe you can’t make kefir from pasturized milk. Thanks.
I was referring to raw cow’s milk. It is more expensive to come by than coconut milk.
I know this post is older & it’s about kefir not yogurt, but I’m trying to plan my food budget & assumed that coconut milk yogurt would be much cheaper to make than raw milk yogurt, because raw milk is $18 a gallon here (& I’ve yet to hear of someone paying more than that), so that’d be $4.50 for a quart. But the BPA free cans of organic coconut milk, from a co-op, are $2 a can, which is only 13.5 ounces. So I would need two & a half cans to make a quart, which makes it $5. So either my math is very bad or it’s actually cheaper for me to use raw milk instead of coconut milk. Help?!?
I was wondering how often you need to transfer the kefir grains back to milk? Also, there is mention of a transition process as it is adjusting. How do you know if it has adjusted okay for you to drink and not just cook with?
I have not had any problems with an adjustment period as Cultures for Health mentioned. You can use it right away and not just to cook with. I transfer back to milk for kefiring every two batches.
So, does anyone know if kefir can be made with Almond milk, since it can be made with coconut milk?
A bit of a side topic – do you know if you can make kombucha without using tea? I don’t drink tea as part of my religious observances and wondered if there was a substitute that could be used to brew Kombucha.
I do not think so, but I would google it.
If I make kefir using coconut milk and then have to return the grains to regular milk, do I have to use something other than ultra-pasteurized milk –like Organic Valley’s Non-homogenized Whole Milk or ???
I found raw milk at a local store but they have a sign saying it is only for pet consumption…The share in the cow really is too expensive for our budget
You can kefir with any kind of cows milk you have accessible to you. I would prefer raw, non-homogenized or organic, but if not available use what you have. Most states have to say that raw milk is only for pet consumption. It is legally required to cover their backs. You can certainly drink it! Honestly, more people get sick from pasturized milk over rawmilk…so our pets will be healthier than us. I would buy it if I were you.
It only says “for pet consumption” because in some states it’s illegal to sell raw milk for human consumption. Saying “Pet consumption” is how they get around those laws.
Does anyone know how long you can store cow’s milk kefir grains (in water) for? I havent made kefir in 2 months and the grains have been sitting in my fridge in some water ever since. Are they still okay to use??
I’m wondering about this, too. Except I’ve been keeping my kefir grains in raw milk in the fridge. Mine have probably been in there for 3 or 4 months.
Anyone know?
I’ll also go over to the Cultures for Health website and see what they say…
In my experience I almost lost my kefir grains by neglecting them in the refrigerator. The milk turned really thick and then when I tried using the grains my kefir was very runny and not thick at all. It took several batches for them to come back to life again. That was from neglecting my grains for around 2 weeks. I’m not sure if yours will be ok after 2 months of neglect unless you have been changing the milk out every week. From what I understand the grains are still active in the refrigerator just slowed down some so if they have enough milk to live on they are ok but the milk needs to be changed every so often. Hope this info helps and hope your grains aren’t totally gone.
Well that might explain why mine aren’t working very well right now! I shan’t give up hope yet then. I’ll keep kefir-ing for a few more days/weeks and see if they come back to life!
If you need to give the grains a break, rather than leave them in the refrigerator, put them with a little milk in a zip lock bag and freeze them, or dry them out. Either way, they will last a very long time. It may take a couple of batches to rev them back up again, but they always come back just fine for me
You mentioned in the video about the 1/2 gallon having no sweetness to it, and you prefer the can over the 1/2 gallon because of that. it might be obvious, but the reason (from what I saw) is that the 1/2 gallon is UNsweetened, and since the can does not specify that it’s unsweetened it will be sweetened. Hence having a sweeter taste to it.
No, the Thai Kitchen is not sweetened either. It says that right on the can. Using a sweetened variety could damage the grains. I believe it is a quality difference or the So Delicious brand could be diluted.
So sorry!
I was at the store today, and say the Thai kitchen organic coconut milk, and thought of you! I don’t have any kefir grains, and I was just running in for a few things. The can of CM, was around $2.59. And it did say unsweetened on it. So I do apologize, again.
Oh, and if anyone is wanting a less caloric OCM.. they have a lite version. calorie wise the 15 oz container has 120 calories per serving, was as the lite version had 50 calories per serving. By Thai Kitchen as well.
lindsay, i haven’t read through all of the comments, but i was wondering, what nutritional differences are there between homemade yogurt and kefir? maybe more available enzymes because of the fermentation process? thanks!
Please review the others comments as we have discussed this thoroughly.
Hi Lindsay!
I just started the Body Ecology diet this week. On Sunday I made my first batch of coconut water kefir (with BED’s kefir starter packet) and opened it for the first time last night. It was different than I expected. From the side of my glass jar there looked to be a slight gray line at the top of the kefir but from the top it looked normal (yellowish-clear). Do you know if this is normal? I was kinda scared to drink it. Is there any chance it can go bad? I had it wrapped in a towel under my bed for 4 days to let it culture.
I would love to try the coconut milk kefir! Do you know if it would be allowed on the BED, since it’s not mentioned?
Thanks! I love your site!
Here’s a link to my coconut kefir making…
I do not know personally if that is normal. I have not tried the coconut water kefir method. Yes, even in the BED tutorial she uses the meat from the coconut to make a milk kefir, it appears. So I am sure you can consume coconut milk on that diet.
Oh great! Then I’ll have to pick up some cans at Whole Foods and give it a try. I LOVE coconut milk but wasn’t sure that I could eat it. Thank you!
I did find a cheaper way of making coconut milk. In the past I googled it but I can’t remember the name of the site now. I use organic dried shredded coconut. I put one to one and a half cups coconut in the blender with hot water and blend 3 minutes, strain through cheese cloth. Then reuse the coconut for a second washing, this give a thinner milk. The first washing will still get the coconut cream on the top, once cooled. Once the cream is congealed on top I put it all back in the blender (usually the next day)and just blend till mixed, the cream does not seperate back out again. I love this coconut milk, it has a great taste and texture. I don’t know about sugar content for kefir, but it is great to drink by itself.
Is the site you’re referring to Tropical Traditions?
Thank you for sharing your tips and the link to Cultures For Health I have been trying to locate Kefir and Kombucha starter kits and wholla you share the website… Their prices seem very reasonable as well as the shipping so that is a plus… Look forward to seeing what more you have to share in your journey!
Just wondering if you have ever made kombucha tea? I am currently growing my own scoby and hope to have kombucha within the next week. It is chuck-full of probiotics. Also has a tart/tangy taste. With it costing $4 for one bottle, I figured I’d better make my own before going broke! lol!
Yes, I have made kombucha in the past and gave a full tutorial here on my blog.
This is so neat! How perfect for those lactose intolerant kiddo’s out there! I personally am excited about making it because we cannot afford raw milk. I haven’t made kefir in so long. This sounds like it’s an amazing alternative. Thank you so much. I’m sharing this like crazy online!
Never heard of coconut milk kefir before, but am so glad to read it! I’m looking for more ways to get probiotics into my dairy-intolerant girls, and someone just gave me dairy kefir grains, so this fits the bill perfectly! Thanks!
Hi Lindsay,
I was just wondering about using pasteurized milk that is not homogenized. Would you still get the same benefits as with raw milk???
Definitely not the same benefits because you don’t get the full nutrients in the milk but you will glean good probiotics from kefiring. Many people who don’t have raw milk will only use pasturized milk for kefiring and culturing because they can get the best out of the milk throughthat process.
Native Forest Organic canned coconut milk is BPA free (which is important in such a high fat content food such as coconut). Coconut Secret will hopefully have a glass jar option available sometime later in the year.
A very timely post Lindsay! I was just talking with girlfriends about coconut kefir yesterday. I make raw cow’s milk kefir but thought this would be fun to try. I have always read you don’t want to use metal when handling the grains but noticed you used a metal spoon. Any thoughts on this?
Blessings to you! Erin
BTW…what muffin recipe is that you made? They look delicious!
A simple forgetfulness on my part. As I mentioned in the recipe, you should use a non-metal spoon. AS to the recipe for the muffins, I used an adapted version of this recipe to make it more nutritious. I will have to share it soon because it was awesome!
When we began using milk kefir years and years ago, I found a recipe for making my own kefir by just using a small amount (maybe 1/4 cup) plain kefir as a starter (like using some plain yogurt as a starter for making more yogurt) and then adding it to milk and letting it culture on the counter. Is there a reason that this would not work as well as using kefir grains?
Great tutorial, by the way. I’m eager to try this! Thanks!
Kefir packets are usually the starting point for making this kind of culture starter for your kefir. You use the packet to make your first batch and then use a portion from that batch to make following batches. But you can only re-cultured it up to about 7 times before it looses its effectiveness, and then you have to start again with another packet. Plus, as I mentioned in the post: kefir packets aren’t really a natural culture and contain less than 10 probiotic strains compared to the 30 or so contained in kefir made with grains. Kefir grains are a more nutritious method and last indefinitely and reproduce if you care for them properly.
I’m wondering too about the difference between yogurt and kefir as far as health benefits. I make my own yogurt to use for smoothies. Should I make kefir instead or do you make both?
According to Dr. Mercola and others, “While both Kefir and yogurt are cultured milk products, they contain different types of beneficial bacteria. Yogurt contains transient beneficial bacteria that keep your digestive system clean and provide food for the friendly bacteria that already are present. Kefir actually helps to colonize your intestinal tract — a feat that yogurt cannot match.
Additionally, Kefir contains several major strains of friendly bacteria not commonly found in yogurt: Lactobacillus Caucasus, Leuconostoc, Acetobacter species, and Streptococcus species. It also contains beneficial yeasts, such as Saccharomyces Kefir and Torula Kefir, which help balance the intestinal flora, including promotion of beneficial yeast in the body by penetrating the mucosal lining. They form a virtual SWAT team that housecleans and helps strengthen the intestines.
Kefir’s active yeast and bacteria may provide more nutritive value than yogurt by helping digest the foods that you eat and by keeping the colon environment clean and healthy. The curd size of Kefir is smaller than yogurt, so it’s also easier to digest, making it an ideal food for babies**, the elderly, and anyone with digestive health concerns.”
So yes, kefir is superior to yogurt…and I never stop making it even if I don’t have time or energy to make yogurt as well.
I love all the give away info. I was just listening to truth calkins talk aout making coconut kefir with fresh coconut water and he said that if you don’t have kefir starter you can make it as you go but you have to drink it with like a day or to. The interview was on just search under truth calkins.
I was wondering, is there a source of coconut milk that doesn’t come in a can? I’m pregnant and really trying to stay away from the BPA in cans. I’ve looked and haven’t found any. Does anyone else know of any non-canned sources of coconut milk?
Apparently, Native Forest Coconut Milk is BPA free, plus you could also use the SO Delicious brand in the cardboard container as I showed in the video.
Uh oh! You lost your raw milk…something I should know about DVC not coming to Vancouver anymore? I love my raw milk so I am hoping they are not planning on stopping this delivery. I also have a question for you about milk or coconut kefir. How do you keep your grains from getting lost in the kefir? I pour mine (kefir) out through a cheesecloth but there are clumps of milk and cream, combined with the grains left in the cheesecloth. Is it okay to just put all of the clumps (grains and milk) into another jar for refilling and culturing or do I need to fish out the tiny grains before reusing? Hope I’m making sense!!
Hey Katie,
No, DVC is still coming, and that is what we use now, but I previously had a cheaper source so I was able to get more and fit it in the budget. About straining, I think it is unnecessary work. I just use a spoon or my fingers (if they are not up at the top) to pull them out. I found if you strain you loose alot of good kefir. Sometimes they are harder to find but I always manage. Skip the straining and save yourself some time and prevent waste. You can always each any tiny kefir clumps. Just keep the big clumps. Hope that helps!
Oh thank you so much Lindsay! I will not be so crazy now about straining and worrying. You saved me a lot of anxiety just now
By the way, I have used coconut water with water kefir grains and loved it. Add some fresh strawberries and it’s almost like dessert!
Thanks so much for posting this Lindsay! I love your blog. My son has dairy allergies so I’ve been discovering the new world of coconut milk and love it! Haven’t tried making coconut keifer yet, but have been seriously considering it. Marillyn at Just Making Noise also has a recipe for coconut keifer, although I don’t think it’s quite as thorough as yours. She does say though that either water or milk grains can be used to make the keifer. Haven’t tried it yet so can’t tell you for sure but will let you know when I do. You can check out her blog here: . She also has a link there for coconut lime sorbet which looks great! Blessings!
I am totally new to all of this and trying to ease in so my question may seem very elementary. I have just started making my own yogurt…what is the comparison of yogurt to kefir? Should I prioritize incorporating kefir into our diet over homemade yogurt?
I was wondering about that as well. I found this website which seemed helpful in answering that question:
Thank you for the demonstration Lindsay, your blog is very informative, I really enjoy reading it!
Thank you Kate! That is perfect and answers my question…sounds like kefir is the way to go! -Mackenzi
Wow, this is very interesting. I think I should look into kefir some more. I have never even heard about it, but it kinda sounds good.
Love your blog lindsday!
This could not be more timely as I am starting to make our own coconut milk kefir next week. Thanks!
Have you looked into dry coconut milk? Much more cost effective than canned, and, to my knowledge, still contains all the fats and health benefits. I love having it around for smoothies, so easy to just scoop some in. I split a 50lbs (?) order with someone and it’s lasted us an incredibly long time. The details are fuzzy, becuase she did the ordering, but I’m pretty sure it was ordered from Wilderness Family Naturals
I updated my post to include a response to this question. I personally do not recommend powdered coconut milk. I am not sure how WFN follows the same standard procedures.
We cannot get raw milk in our area (unless I buy a share in a cow) so I read this eagerly hoping it would a way we can make kefir. However, it sounds like you have to return the grains to milk at some point in the process or on a regular basis? Am I understanding this correctly?
Yes, that is correct, but you can easily make kefir from regular milk and still get alot of benefits even if it is not raw.
Heather, I would highly recommend buying a share or two in a cow. I have been doing it for a year and never regretted it. 30 miles round trip for just myself is a bit extravagant, but I’m worth it!
Wow! That looks amazing! If only I had the time and patience to make my own coconut milk kefir at home. Thank goodness for So Delicious coconut milk kefir. My dairy-intolerant daughter loves the strawberry flavor. In response to Deborah, diets that are excessively high in protein, are actually unhealthful, and most Americans consume way too much protein. There’s a book based on the largest epidemiological diet study ever done in the world. It’s called The China Study, and it’s a real eye-opener!
I saw some coconut kefir in the health food store recently. I love coconut. It sounded delicious however it seriously lacks protien. It offered 1 gram of protein, where my regular kefir is 11 grams. I just thought I would bring this one drawback to your attention.
So am I understanding that this kefir is not tart and tangy, like regular cow’s milk kefir? (because I would never put dairy kefir in my coffee, or whip it up into whipped cream, nor make ice cream out of it!) What flavor does this have? I presume it still adheres to a coconut flavor, but maybe not so sour as kefir. Is it sweet at all?
Thanks for clearing up my confusion….
No, it is still sour but much more pleasant than cows milk kefir. I can never drink cows milk kefir straight, but this is much more mild. You would add a bit of sweetener to use it for these purposes.
I recently found out that my 1 year old is very allergic to coconut milk! Both times she has had it she ended up in the hospital. The first time I thought she just had a nasty bug, but it happened the next time as well. I am super bummed, b/c I was just starting to enjoy the world of coconut milk! Random question, do you know if coconut milk and coconut oil would share the same allergenic reaction?
I would imagine so. I am so sorry! My only thought might be changing brands…but I don’t know if you would want to risk it again.