I have been tagged on multiple occasions this week to participate in this little game (thanks to Lorrie & Lisa)…aren’t you just eager to hear 7 things about me?
The Rules:
1. To link the tagger and provide the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving names as well as links to their blogs
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
7 Facts about Me:
1) I love traveling and learning about the diverse cultures of the world! I have been around the entirety of the USA (besides the New England States) on two occasions, camping and exploring our history as a family growing up. I have also participated in mission trips to Dominican Republic twice, Russia once and Cambodia twice, since the age of 16. This has resulted in giving me a passion for world missions.
2) I have TMJ disorder since a serious car accident in January of 2004. I have experienced alot of neck and jaw pain as well as headaches as a result. My praise testimony is that I have a chiropractor in the family and am blessed to receive his services free of charge! This has been one of the biggest blessing!
3) I love being adventurous! I love jumping off waterfalls and riding roller coasters!
4) I was enrolled in ballet as a child but never made it past the entry door because I was freaked out!
5) My family and I are extremely competitive so be forewarned! I am not sure where it came from but it is definitely an inherited trait unfortunately…I beat my husband so many times playing cards on our honeymoon that he never wanted to play me again! I am hoping to change that…
6) My favorite pastimes are reading and simplifying my home and giving it all away!
7) I never was a gifted writer, speaker or social person…I am actually more of an introvert, but I do love being hospitable and reaching out to others just more on a one on one basis, although the Lord has given me the gift of leadership and administration, crazily enough!
Rather than linking to others as there are so many to choose from, I have decided that I would love to hear more about my readers! Consider yourself tagged! There are so many of you out there that have yet to introduce themselves…so please share one or more interesting facts about yourself here in the comments or provide a link from your blog! I would love it!
I know this is an old post, but I went ahead and played along too!
Lindsay, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. You are such an encouragement to me, and and I daily find myself inspired to be a better, more godly woman because of your posts. Thank you!
I put this up on my blog and linked to you. I hope you come visit!
I’ll list a few things about myself…
I’ve been reading your blog for about 5 months and have tried so many of your recipes…from bread to deodorant!
I am a 29 year old mommy. My girls are 3.5 and 5 and are 17 months apart, and our youngest is a little boy who is now almost 18 months old.
I’ve wanted to be a mommy my entire life and although when I first had my daughter being asked the question, “so when are you going back to work?” used to cause a twinge of inadequacy, I can tell you wholeheartedly that I feel the most important work I will ever do is raise my children to love Jesus with a passion and share that love with others.
I have been married almost 8 years, my husband and I have been together for 12 year.
We got married in January and I STILL remember that my dad’s first words when he saw me try on my wedding dress were, “Aren’t you going to want sleeves on that since it’s going to be cold?”
Did I mention he’s an engineer and very practical?
I think homemaking is a lost art. I’m trying to learn how to do it better every day and I find that I am not “losing” myself like most may think but rather seeking to be more like Christ as I learn how to better serve others.
I have gone from a person that always needed TV on for background noise, to someone that rarely watches it at all. If I watch anything it is usually an online sermon from Frances Chan or Mark Driscoll.
1) I am married with 3 children. A boy that is 10, my girl is almost 8, and my youngest is a 5 y.o. boy. He was our surprise! But, our family is complete now. There’s just too much genetic baggage our families…
2) I have a lot of aches, pain, and weakness in most of the muscles of my body. I have tried so many different approaches to this mystery, yet nothing has revealed itself as an answer.
3) I had a thyroidectomy at age 18 and regret it. Possibly part of my overall health problems.
4) I try to live and eat healthfully, but my kids make that very hard! Especially my youngest. He is quite a picky eater…
5) I love all of my children so much. But my oldest is a challenging child to raise. He is greatly loved by us. But if you read this, please pray for us to deal with him well and for him to respond. I cannot describe the stress that he places on our family. We just don’t know what to do with him! I remind myself that I would be a different person without him as my son. I would have been a very judgemental parent. I would have looked at others with “unbehaved” children and judged them. Now I look at them with understanding and sympathy. And pray that the Lord with strengthen us daily to respond and teach our boy in a Christlike fashion.
6) My youngest two kids are the best of friends. It’s so amazing. In fact, a few years ago, my dd was the only one who could understand her brother and we thwarted many frustrated moments with her timely interpretations of the little ones “words”. She understood him perfectly when no one else did!
7) I homebirthed all three of my children.
8) I have the most wonderful mother in the world and ten years ago, the Lord blessed us with a house that is only a couple minutes from hers.
9) I’m a procrastinator.
10) I am married to a wonderful man. We have had an amazing journey together. We met almost 14 years ago. We were very different people back then. But we have had an great respect for each other and as one person changes on an idea or concept, the other is always right there, hashing it all out. We almost always come to the same conclusion about everything important in life. Whether it’s faith, politics, health, medicine, or anything else. What a blessing!
Uh oh, I just realized it was SEVEN things, not TEN. OOps! Well, I don’t know which three to take away, so I guess I’ll leave them all there!
Hi Lindsay!
I’ve been meaning to leave a comment for some time now. I was just introduced to your blog a few weeks ago as I’ve recently become a ‘blog junkie’! I just started my own blog only a week ago….teehee…I’m a newbie! Your posts are inspirational to me and I relate to almost all that you share! I wish that we lived close to each other for I know we could sit and gab over a cup of home-brewed kombucha and a slice of pumpkin bread (‘NT’ style). Anyway, once I read this post of yours I thought – what a perfect opportunity to leave a note.
1. I am passionate about homemaking…making choices that nurture our walks with the Lord and honor our bodies & the earth that God gave to us in the most natural and healthy ways possible.
2. I have been married to the most amazing man ever for 3+ years. We just had our first child – a beautiful baby girl – in May. A beautiful natural homebirth in our tub.
3. I dream of establishing an eco village with our best friends and a few other families within the next few years! Buying a small farm, building some cob homes for other families to live in, having a barn full of a few cows, goats, & chickens (for raw milk and fresh eggs!), a communal garden!, evening dinner and worship with everyone…homeschooling all of our kiddos, our babes running through the garden barefoot and dirty! oh, I could go on and on! Something that is laid on all of our hearts and we continue to lay it back at the Lord’s feet for His guidance!
4. I am an artsy girl. I love to paint and sketch. My mission is to learn to knit this year. I own a small business on the side to help w/income – I make custom-designed wedding invitations.
5. I have a degree in Interior Design….but don’t use it (it became way too materialistic for me!). Though, I do love to decorate in the most frugal and creative ways.
6. I used to be a kindergarten teacher at a Christian private school for 3 years before I got married. Best job of my life!
7. I love to cook and am constantly on the computer learning and learning how to provide healthful foods for my family. I am obsessed with learning how to cook in a nourishing way, minimizing our expenditures & increase our health by making everything at home.
I look forward to continue pouring through your posts! I am already soaking some flour tonight to try your raspberry muffins tomorrow…yum! Many Jesus blessings to you! ~Jenny
Always love reading your blog, Lindsay!
I did the 7 things list last week, so I guess I might as well link to it…
Hey, my name is Sandi and we have been missionaries in Peru for three years. I am 31 yrs. old, married and have three little girls (6,4, & 1 yrs. old). I have recently found your blog and have really enjoyed it. It has been an encouragement to me, thanks for the work you put into it. Thanks! allenandsandi.blogspot.com
1. I love baking and making quick breads
2. I have a deep hunger and desire to comfort the afflicted and minister to the sick with the word of God.
3. I have a painful shoulder joint/collar bone problem that limits the use of my left arm and has not yet been diagnosed since it started a year ago. I am thankful for the comfort in Gods word that speaks about the mind we are to have in christ in suffering in 1 Peter. Also meditating on Matthew ch 8 about the leper God healed.
4. We love meeting in home fellowships rather that attending the institutional church.
5. I love to help others and was previously working as a care giver for the elderly
6 I have been married 10 years and have no children
7. We are passionate about serving the Lord with our whold lives.
1. I’m a mom to 3, and wife to one wonderful hubby…God told us we are done. 2 girls and 1 little boy.
2. I wake up everyday at 4:30 am.
3. I don’t drink ANY caffeine, soda, or alcohol.
4. I work inside outside the home.
5. My children are NOT homeschooled. They go to a lovely private school, and are loving it!
6. I’m a cleaning freak, and love to organize.
7. I do have an almost 14 y/o cat!
Hi, I do not have a blog so I thought I would post a comment. I have been reading your blog for a few months and am inspired by you and your family. Here a a few facts about me:
1. I am 28, wife and mother of 1 precious little boy.
2. I surrendered to the ministry when I was in college after traveling to Singapore for a month long mission trip…I now work at a church in my area as their bookeeper.
3. I want to like to read…I never have enjoyed it for some reason. If you have any great first suggestions, maybe I can give it a try again.
4. I also love missions and love to travel. My family traveled all over the U.S. and Canada as I was growing up and I was priviledged to go to Singapore in college for a month to do missions. I would like to go more places, but $$ has not allowed thus far.
5. I want to be debt free!! We currently have a car payment and a personal loan (we used to fix up the old house we live in). They both add up to about $15k together so I hope to pay them off in the next 2 years and be totally debt free other than our mortgage!
6. I LOVE family! I pray that my child(ren) will love to spend time with us when they are out of the house as much as I love spending time with my parents and in-laws.
7. I love Beth Moore! If you have never done one of her studies or seen her in person you should! She lights a “fire” in me everytime I hear her speak…the Lord uses her to touch so many women/men today.
Thank you Lindsey for being such a wonderful example to young mothers!
I haven’t done one of these on my blog yet so I thought I’d give it a go!
Have a great week!
I consider myself tagged! I linked to your blog on mine and wrote some random facts about myself as well.
I talk way to much about myself at http://www.leahsfavoritethings.com !
Hi Lindsay-
I love your blog. Thank you for sharing with everyone! I recently got tagged, as well. My blog is restricted (my husband prefers I not make photos of our children public), so I couldn’t link it. I apologize for making your comments so LONG. Keep writing!
In Christ,
1. I don’t understand politics, government, or insurance. If you mention something to me under these topics, my brain automatically freezes and my eyes glaze over involuntarily. I did terribly in these subjects in high school, and I just can’t help it. I do vote in most elections. I TRY to get a basic understanding of what is going on, but in general…I just don’t get it. If I have to make a call regarding our health insurance our our auto policy, I pray beforehand that I will comprehend what the person on the other end of the line will say back to me. Co-payment? Out of pocket? Huh?
2. I love reality shows, documentaries, and finding out about other people’s lives. I find cultures and different people so interesting. I love to people watch at public places, especially outside of where I live. When I drive on the interstates, I look at the people in the other cars (I don’t stare-I’m not a stalker!) and wonder where they live, do they have kids, what they had for lunch that day, etc. I’m just curious.
3. I want to win the lottery (does playing it help?) in order to buy a big RV with a nice shower and a DVD player in it, and travel the states with my husband and kids-before the kids get too old. I know the chances of this happening are incredibly slim, but it would be so fun, wouldn’t it? I would love to see monuments, visit museums, eat at different restaurants, visit historical sites, and just take it all in.
4. I hate spicy foods. They give me coronaries. Recently a friend and I were at a mom gathering at a local Chinese food restaurant and at the same time we took a bite of their Mongolian Beef dish and just about blew our tops. We were gulping down the waters and she immediately ordered a 7-Up (I think) to get it down. Another time I was at a friend’s house in college, and her mom is Ecuadorean. She had made a shrimp cocktail and I took one bite and thought my heart was going to stop. I don’t know what was in it, but my friend and her sisters and her mom got a kick out of my reaction…the Gringa that I am. I seriously thought I was going to DIE! I mean…come on. What is wrong with cheeseburgers and fries? There’s no stress in that.
5. I like Spanish music. I love Luis Miguel-I even have some of his songs memorized and have seen him in concert. He is probably singing raunchy, R or X rated lyrics in his romance songs, but I wouldn’t know. I just love the sound of the language. I also listen to Spanish Christian Rap music. Now that one I am pretty sure the lyrics are as clean as they get, but I still have no idea what they are singing. I can pick up an occasional ‘corazon’, ‘Christo’, and ‘Espirito Santo’…but other than that I’m clueless. I just like it.
6. I’m not much of a cook…in fact I will usually make dinners that are easy, fast, and only have 4 ingredients (I seriously have a book that my cousin gave me that is entitled, “The Four Ingredient Cookbook”). However, I love to bake. I love to make cookies, bars, cakes, etc. I haven’t done many pies, but I would like to. I LOVE cookie dough, and cake batter, too. It is hard to leave enough in the bowl to actually have something to bake, but I really enjoy baking.
7. I am a frustrated organizer. I love to be organized, and get SO excited when I hear about the latest container or shelving unit to organize my stuff. However, with 3 kids ages (currently) 5, 6, and 7…it just doesn’t happen. Especially in their room. I can get things looking so nice, go to bed, and wake up and it looks like a tornado hit! Remember how hard it was living with a roommate in college? Well, when you have kids and they all have different personalities and no cleaning/organizational genes in them (they take after their father-Lol), its like have 3 roommates that clash with you. There is just no winning-hence the frustration!
1. My name is Lindsey too (though spelled differently than yours)
2. I’ve always wanted to name two daughters Alathia (Truth) and Karis (Grace). Currently we just have one daughter (Alathia) and my husband refuses to go for Karis if we do have another girl someday!
3. I am a very, very bad sport. Soon into our marriage my husband found this out when we played games and so we came up with the Servant Rule, which has continued to this day. Whoever wins has to serve the loser. My husband just naturally wins most of the games we play and I had been getting terribly frustrated by it but once we made this rule I was in heaven. The loser gets to choose what the other person will do. It could be anything from a kiss to a massage, to the dishes, take out the garbage, etc. Now, neither of us mind losing and we have a lot of fun!
Love your blog and I love simplifying and de-cluttering too although you’d never know it to look at my messy house today!
I absolutely LOVE your Servant Rule for playing games! I’ll have to use that one at home too!
Great idea!
So fun to hear little bits about who you are!
1. I am a pastor’s wife, married to the man I love for 25 years.
2. I homeschool my children, well, the youngest one anyway, the oldest I h.s. but now he’s in college.
3. I am allergic to fish. I am borderline chocolate but the doctor felt sorry for me and let me have it anyway!
4. I never thought I was a “dog person” until I recently got a poodle puppy. I’ll be posting her picture tomorrow, she’s so sweet!
5. I am a fairly frugal and organized person, although I’m starting to realize I could be more so.
6. I am not very adventurous, I prefer quiet activities (and dry and clean activities…lol!)
7. Before I was a SAHM I worked with computers, now they intimidate me!
Hi my name is Suzie
I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now and I love it.
1. my husband and I are letting God plan our family
we have been married 6 years and have three boys so far, I find this interesting from the insider prospective, the faith and trusting that it takes.
2. I am 27 and I keep forgeting ( I still feel 19)
with three boys that is probably a good thing.
3. I am with you on the simlifying my home. we have been 8 months with most of our stuff in storage and on the first of November we are moving into a house and all I can think about is organizing and getting rid of more stuff!
4. I come from a family of 8 children. I am the second oldest.
5. I love to cook and bake
6. I have way too many cook books
and am still drawn to them in bookstores
7. I alwasy wished I could play piano, take good photos, and paint.
I do play guitar which I love. I still take photos of my boys and with a digital, it help some for getting good photos. and as for the painting thing, I sew and embroider with silk ribbons, so that is my paint. ( that and crayon drwings of Bob and Larry fron Veggis tales)
I don’t know how interesting that was but there you go
#4 – same here! I am from a family of 8 children and am the second oldest as well!
I came across your site recently and really love it! I too, love to travel and am also very competitive. My entire family is actually so I really don’t think my kids have a chance!
I LOVE ballet although I am far from being a ballerina….I think you have to be graceful or something and I fail miserably at that!
Anyway-just wanted to stop in and say hi!