Pointing Children to God – Tribute to My Parents -Part 3


Part 1, Part 2….and lastly, Part 3

Keeping the family together is a precious tool in pointing children to God! They witness first-hand the mighty God that we serve through church, worship, and the world around us!

Family Togetherness

The joy of family relationships! I am so blessed to have good solid relationships with my siblings and parents. I believe this came about as a result of the emphasis my parents put on keeping us together as much as possible. Not only did this assist in building relationships within the household, but it taught us to walk with the wise. We were not left to our own devises, but encouraged to join in on fellowshipping with those older than ourselves, thus pointing us to God. It was always prioritized to do things together, or in smaller groups. If my brother was invited to a party, I was to tag along. There were exceptions to this as we got older, but the overall goal was to prioritize family.

Serving Together

We would serve on the worship team in groups, all together, or two or more of us. We took mission trips together. My dad or mom took each one of us when were between 13-16 years of age to a foreign country to serve together. This was an awesome stretching experience! Through these means we were challenged to see the need for the gospel among the peoples of the world. Our hearts and minds were stretched to think and learn to love those beyond ourselves. I went with my Dad to Dominican Republic at 15, my Dad and older brother back to Dominican Republic at 16, Cambodia with my sister at 19, and Russia with my husband, mom, and two sisters shortly after we were married. That first trip planted a seed which grew to a passion for world missions!

Road Trips

We took many family road trips together (two around the United States), which not only built relationships but we were able to see the glory of God’s creation around us. We witnessed the history of our nation, and the wonderful providence of God in those stories and landmarks. Friday night was always family night, where we loved taking walks together (along the Colombia River waterfront- a favorite!), watching a movie, or just hanging out and talking (all piled up on parents’ bed!).

Neighborhood Friendships

We didn’t have alot of time walking in relationships that would not edify or build up our souls. Neighbor kids were kept at bay, not eliminated, but maintained under certain boundaries. We still wanted to be salt and light, but under the watchful eye of discernment and discretion of our parents. We were not to go into their house, unless we had permission from our parents. This was to guard us against any unnecessary worldly influences. They were always welcomed into our home. We didn’t do sleepovers for the same reason. This is what my parents choose to do, not to say that any other means are wrong or sinful, but by God’s grace, they made the best decision they could to keep us pointed to God and not to the world.

Family Together in Church

From the time I was very young, I remember we would always sit together in the service. This was the training ground where the Word was sown into our hearts from a young age. We were challenged to be quiet and mature as we sat with the adults. We were often looked down upon, but my parents did not let go of this priority. I believe they felt strongly of the importance of us hearing the full truth of the gospel, and not a watered down version in Sunday school. If we were serving in Sunday school, we would all do it together! I believe it is so important for children to see their parents worship in the service. This has impacted me significantly. I have always admired the whole-hearted passion that my parents have expressed in worship and this love for God and to worship in His presence has passed down to the watchful eyes around them.

When I turned 12, we started an age-integrated church with several other like-minded families, where the Word of God was preached in a manner that little ears could understand. We were all together to hear the teaching of the Word, to worship in God’s presence and to walk with the wise!

I thank my parents from the bottom of my heart for the faithful efforts, difficult decisions and unceasing pray that they offered up on our behalf that we might walk in a manner well-pleasing to the Lord. They are to be praised!

Can you tell I love coming from a large family? Life would not have been half as fun if my parents had stopped at three children, like they originally intended! Not everything that my parents did will work for every family, nor will every one have the same convictions as my parents, nor did they perfectly fulfill all of the above and previously mentioned ideas, but the important thing is that you be purposeful and seek the Lord in whatever you choose to do, depending upon his grace and strength!

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.

One Response to Pointing Children to God – Tribute to My Parents -Part 3

  1. Kim March 17, 2008 at 7:16 pm #

    This is an excellent post…we do some things very similar to your parents…hopefully our children will feel as you do one day! They do appreciate it a lot now, but hopefully they will understand more as they get older. I wish we had a couple of more kids along the way,too…that was out of our control, though! I love large families…we have quite a few in our church and it is such a blessing to see them and learn from them!