Archive | February, 2008

Simple Living – Part 4: Purposeful Frugality

This is part 4 in a series of posts on simple living.


“How much can we safely keep? Enough to care for our basic needs and some wants, but not so much that we are distracted from our central purpose or that large amounts of money are kept from higher Kingdom causes. Not so much that we become prideful and independent (Deut. 8:13-14) or that we are insulated from our need to depend on God (Matt. 6:26-29).” ~Randy Alcorn

Our ultimate reason and purpose in simple living and frugality should be for no other reason than securing our future reward and treasure in heaven, for the glory of God, and to meet the needs of others.

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For the Love of Books: January Reviews

Well, I was quite proud of myself…I actually finally figured out how to read while nursing and completed more than my regular amount of reading for the month! Here are a few highlights…

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Frugal Scrapbook Alternative: Blurb books


My Blurb book has arrived! Talk about a wonderful way to preserve family pictures and memories in a simple and lovely fashion! If you have not heard of, it is worth checking out! It took time, but it was well worth it! You simply download the BookSmart program they offer and get to work in uploading and laying out your own book! Now we have the first two years of our marriage in book form and it is not going to disintegrate any time soon. All the pictures are printed on the pages.

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January Giveaway: Winner!

treasuring-god.jpgThe winner of our January Giveaway of Treasuring God in Our Traditions is….

Heather @ Doodle Acres

Thank you to everyone who entered and gave wonderful suggestions and ideas!

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Simple Living – Part 3: Hospitality

For the previous posts in this series, visit here.


The third reason we are aiming to live a simple lifestyle is in order to maintain a hospitable home. I want our home to be a place of refuge to those whom God calls us to serve, whether it be neighbors, incorporating new families from the church or strengthening old relationships. Hospitality is a command!

After discussing that every member has a gift to contribute to the well-being of the entire body, Paul commands that we be devoted to one another, serving in the Lord, “contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality” (Rom. 12:13). And in 1 Peter 4:9, “Be hospitable to one another without complaint.”

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Nutritional Eating: What is most important?


The longer I live the less confidence I have in drugs and the greater is my confidence in the regulation and administration of diet and regimen. ~John Redman Coxe, 1800

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”
La Rochefoucauld

How do we discern what is most important, especially when we are on a tighter budget? The word “natural” can be quite deceiving!

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