Q & A: Reading the Word Together


You wrote that you and your husband share a devotion time every morning. May I ask you if you use a devotional book? And what kind of devotional routine do you recommend?

Growing Together – Sharing those Nuggets

Reading the Word together in the morning (or evening if that works for you!) really knits our hearts together as a couple. We may not get time to do this every morning, but each and every time is a treasure. It strengthens our relationship, and also enriches our faith. I love being able to ask my hubby questions from our reading and hearing him grow in his ability to teach our family. As our children get older, I hope to also incorporate them into this time together.

I am blessed to come from a family where my mom and dad lead us faithfully before the Lord on a consistent basis through rising early and reading the Bible together. I attribute their faithfulness to be the instrument that God used to draw me out of darkness and into His marvelous light. As a family, we would often read through the wisdom books of Proverbs and Psalms. We would each read five verses and then make a comment. We would always be encouraged to share a nugget of truth that stood out to us.

Simply Read the Word

As a married couple, we have done a few things to make our time together profitable. We normally work through reading a book of the Bible together. In the past we have read the book of the Bible that the church was working through in the sermons, and that was a great way to strengthen our understanding and build upon what was being taught from the pulpit. At other times, Aaron has just selected a book of the Bible that he wanted to lead us through and we would read a chapter a day. During Advent season, we read through our advent readings together.

Currently, we are reading, What Jesus Demands from the World by John Piper (I highlighted one chapter here). This is an excellent read! It goes through all the different verses in the Gospels where Jesus gave a specific command to His followers, and Piper addresses how we can apply these truths. Very insightful and filled with Scripture! After we finish reading a chapter or portion (depending on what time allows), we discuss it and ask questions. We always end our devotional time with prayer. Another means of strengthening our marriage. We come before the Lord and bless our day, pray for one another, our baby, neighbors, ministry, and any needs that have come to our attention.

Bible Reading Accountability

It has been very helpful this year to be committed to using the same Bible reading plan as well. Our current routine is 30 minutes to an hour of personal devotions and then 30 minutes of devotions together (now Karis may wake up any time in the midst of this and need to be nursed, so it is flexible!). I highly recommend this accountability! On a side note, the particular plan we are using has been amazing. It shows the beautiful connection of Scripture as you read from four sections at once, starting in Genesis, the wisdom books, the Gospels, and the Epistles. Aaron pointed out that it displays the work of the Trinity is a powerful way. In the beginning we see the display of God. The Gospels bring in the work of the Son, and Acts displays the power of the Holy Spirit. Reading how the Trinity works together at once has been pretty profound.

Let Your Husband Lead, and Pray for Him!

It is such a blessing to have a husband who leads in these areas, and I am growing so much! By the way, if this is an area that your husband struggles in, as mine has, please do not forgot to pray for him! I have found that God has greatly inspired my man as I have prayed for him to be given the vision and desire to lead us in devotions together.

I would love to hear any other ideas that have worked for you, whether it is with your spouse or family?

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.

7 Responses to Q & A: Reading the Word Together

  1. Lindsay April 3, 2010 at 6:46 pm #

    Hi Lindsay,

    I know that this is an old post, but I am fairly new to your blog and am perusing some older entries. What is the Bible reading plan that you mentioned above – the one that displays the work of the Trinity? I tried clicking on the link, but it didn't work.

  2. Lindsay September 18, 2009 at 3:09 am #

    Hi Lindsay,

    I know that this is an old post, but I am fairly new to your blog and am perusing some older entries. What is the Bible reading plan that you mentioned above – the one that displays the work of the Trinity? I tried clicking on the link, but it didn’t work.

  3. Ann at mommysecrets January 16, 2008 at 10:35 am #

    My hubby & I are not good at reading scripture together, but we enjoy listening to sermons together. We especially enjoy John Piper and Tommy Nelson. It’s nice to snuggle up on the sofa and learn together. And it definately keeps our marriage on the right track!

  4. Mrs. Taft January 16, 2008 at 10:09 am #

    My hubby and I are doing a “read through the Bible in a year” plan together in the evenings. He likes me to read it aloud. :)

  5. Erica January 16, 2008 at 9:50 am #

    This is a timely message for me and a little bittersweet. My husband is a believer and a godly man, but we have not read the Word together and prayed together consistently for awhile. Last night, I attempted to start again, after some of the things he said made me feel he was open to it. He basically said no, with no real explanation. It was a horrible let down for me…and I am beginning to realize how deeply and deperately I want to be lead by my husband. I can’t help but believe it will draw us close and revive our relationship. Inspired by your post, I will lift him before the Lord and ask God to give him the desire to do so.

    • Lindsay January 16, 2008 at 12:14 pm #

      Erica, I completely understand the struggle. I have been through it as well, but you will be amazed at how God can open up your husband’s heart through your faithful prayer. Don’t give up! For my husband, it came through a challenge in a sermon…with God all things are possible!