This is my final post in the Growing in Christ Together series. To view part 2 click here, part 1 click here.
Acts 2:41-46
“So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls. They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer…[they] had all things in common…sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by dad continuing with one mind in the temple, breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart.”
The apostles and the brethren of the early church were devoted to prayer. Devoted means: zealous or ardent in attachment, loyalty, or affection. They were wholehearted in their love for praying together and individually. They refused to give up on the discipline because they fully understand the benefit and value of it. That is a zeal I long for! How do we grow in our love for prayer? I think it takes the discipline of just doing it and asking the Lord to remind and prompt us of its importance. Just like as we read the Word, if we continue in prayer, our love and joy for it is ever increased.
Here are a few ideas for becoming more purposeful in prayer:
- Pray during those minimal tasks you do around the house: driving, doing dishes, washing the floor, etc. Or you could use prayer prompts: every time you put your make-up on you pray for your husband, every time you wash the dishes you pray for our country. Whatever works for you! You can see what works for me here.
- Pray immediately with someone who mentions a prayer need over the phone or face-to-face. Don’t put it off by saying, “I’ll be praying for you”. Nine times out of ten we forget about it when we get home or get off the phone. This takes a lot more thoughtful effort, but aren’t we all so much more encouraged and blessed when we are finished?
- Pray a blessing over your guests as they leave your home.
- Make a weekly prayer list that you could post in a specific place with needs of those in the church or friends. Maybe in the bathroom, over the sink, in the car, over the changing table.
Prayer is a powerful way we can serve our family and the church body, being used for the furthance of the kingdom without even leaving our home (that is, unless you are doing it while driving
Individuals were fully and willingly sharing of their resources with others as needs came up. No one was lacking anything! Before we were married, we were encouraged to write out a marriage purpose statement. In it the Lord encouraged us to set aside a certain percentage of our monthly income for the express purpose of giving to a family in the church who had a need. This has been one of the greatest blessings! Each month we pray that the Lord would show us who we could give this money to, and every time we are able to give a gift of love along with a note letting them know we are praying on their behalf. We are having so much fun we can’t stop doing it even when our budget has changed up and down over our marriage.
The world was seeing such a beautiful witness and the early church was flourishing! If the body of Christ was more deliberate in these manners in our day, would we see more new believers coming into the fold? Only the Lord is sovereign over that, but I believe we need a renewed vision as families for the world to see a movement of love, prayer, devotion to the Word, hospitality, and giving to others for the growth of the church and the kingdom of God!