Woman and Ministry

If you haven’t read Crystal’s post and all the lovely comments on the topic of woman doing ministry, check it out here. I think it is so important to see the value of our role as wives and mothers, and that this is a season for us to focus in our training up our children and serving our husbands. I also like to balance that with looking for opportunities to serve others together from our homes, especially as they get older. That is why I have been posting ideas in our Blessing Others section (and I need your help, as I am running out of ideas!). Our first priority and mission field is definitely our husbands and children, but there are small ways that we can seek to bless those around us. Keeping our priorities in balance is the key. If we don’t have that right than we should go no further. God bless you sisters as you are pursuing your mission field!

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.

2 Responses to Woman and Ministry

  1. Liz September 6, 2011 at 1:28 pm #

    I read your short paragraph on Woman and Ministry. It said click “here” to read Crystal’s post on woman doing ministry. The link wouldn’t work and I would love to read her post. Can you send me a link?

  2. Sara June 28, 2011 at 7:45 pm #

    I have greatly enjoyed your creative writing and your attention to living simply. So much of what you post here I am in agreement with. However, there is tension in me with what you write above. I first was called to serve God in ministry and then to marriage and motherhood. I don’t believe that there needs to be a separation; however I also feel that there needs to be a place where woman can embrace living and working and mothering if they so desire. For me, I am a better mother, wife and friend when I work. Fortunately the work I do is full time ministry caring for and training missionaries. I am blessed to work and co-parent with my husband. I love the full time ministry position that I raise support to do. I would love to see you include authors on the subject of women and ministry as vocation. Thanks for all the other helpful tips on mothering and living a life of good stewardship.