Reflections on Our Week of Service

I rejoice at the good work the Lord accomplished through us this past week! Praise the Lord for all that He has done! I am so thankful for the friendships made, the ministries we served, and the team that came together to do it. To hear one of our daily reports read here.

Looking back over this past week and our local service here in our city, the Lord really impressed me with a few lessons:

There are so many needs in our backyard!

I am amazed how easily deceived I have been into thinking that frontier missions is where we need to send the laborers. The Great Commission is a call for one and all to go forth and share the love of the Christ. Not all are called to a foreign field, but all are called to serve where you are. The gospel can be so clearly communicated through the demonstration of Christ’s love in service. Serving others opens the doors for the gospel! There were widows that needed the love of Christ and why not demonstrate and communicate it through cleaning their backyards? There were homeless men and women whose hearts were touched and more receptive to the gospel because we gave them a pair of flipflops! How simple is that?

Families serving together is a powerful witness to the world – including the little ones!

The family model in our day and age is disintegrating. We need the witness of families (small and large, father, mother & children) out there serving and showing others a picture of godly families. I was blessed by how the Lord impacted two of my younger siblingsĀ  (Brandon & Brooke, age 10), throughout the week. In our debriefing gathering on Saturday evening, you could see how their hearts were powerfully touched by serving others. They opened up in prayer several times for those we met, and they shared how they had such a fun time serving others as a family. They had worked really hard throughout the week.

One of the days, a gentleman that was heading up the project, Chuck, was so impressed by Brandon’s diligence, he commented, “He gets two stars, he is such a hard worker”. That is a testimony! Why leave the children behind? This is an opportunity to serve together and implant seeds of compassion in their hearts as they see the needs around them. IT was beautiful to behold! Young Anna, age 3, joined our team for four of the six days along with her mother and brothers. She worked hard, and although she may not been able to accomplish much, she was serving together with her family and learning much about working, serving, and loving others I am sure.

Don’t waste your life

After witnessing the needs in my community, and realizing the great love that Christ has poured out for me, I was filled with a renewed passion to want nothing else but Jesus and Him alone! Nothing else matters eternally- the pursuit of materialism, money, a nice home, comfort in this life – oh that all these temptations the world presents us would fall away from my view! I want Jesus and I want to serve Him alongside my husband and children in complete abandon for the building up of Christ’s Kingdom! From this moment, I am able to see that I have no excuse. Whether I have one or ten children, we can serve together in the cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

For a powerful call in this direction, read Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper & Ministries of Mercy by Tim Keller.

We are eagerly looking forward to further service in our community! We desire for this not to happen just once a year, but on a regular basis! We are going forth from here with eyes opened to see the needs. Where can we serve others and share the love of Christ today, tomorrow and for the rest of our lives?

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.

3 Responses to Reflections on Our Week of Service

  1. Phebe Sistoso July 30, 2008 at 1:19 pm #

    I am always so encouraged to read your thoughts about families serving TOGETHER!! My parents always included us in ministry, and I am thankful for that. I have realized, after having my own little ones, how very rare this is. I have been put off by this. Often people will say be enthusiastic that my husband and I are interested in serving in some way, but ask us to get a babysitter–or even leave the kids with Grandma for a couple of weeks (can you imagine?!). I realize that children cannot be helpful in every situation, but they can adapt far better than most people think they will. Especially if they have been raised well and have decent manners like ours do (most of the time!).

    Besides, the very clear message these people send is: “We don’t need children” and “You don’t count if you’re a mom–call us when you’re willing to leave your kids”.

    Wasn’t, JESUS…who said “Let the little children come Me and do not HINDER them”?

    I know everyone doesn’t feel this way, but I’m frusterated…


  2. Pam July 29, 2008 at 1:29 pm #

    I love your sentiments on serving in your backyard. I couldn’t agree more. My church does several long distance mission trips with the youth and although I believe this is important, I also believe we should work in our own community – there are plenty of needs there. I think it teaches the kids that you can truly serve wherever you are!

  3. Robin July 29, 2008 at 12:45 pm #

    This is WONDERFUL post! I wish everyone in our church would read this post.

    Thank you for sharing these thoughts.