Serving vs. Enjoying Our Families

Enjoying my little girl

I was reading the story of Mary & Martha to Karis the other day, when I struck by the fact that Martha was caught up in serving and preparing the evening meal, whereas Mary was simply enjoying the fellowship of Jesus and the other disciples who may have been there. Martha was doing an important task, and likewise we as wives and mothers have the important role of managing our households and serving our families, three meals a day, washing laundry, cleaning house, taking care of needs, etc.

But have we ever considered how we can so easily get too consumed with the serving aspects and lose out on the enjoying side? How often do I think of simply sitting down and enjoying my daughter for a momemt…more frequently I have another thing that needs to be done. How often do I take the time to enjoy my husband in the evening after work instead of getting consumed with making sure my kitchen is perfectly cleaned after dinner?

Look at the Titus 2 order of priorities- love your husbands, love your children, then be workers at home! Carolyn Mahaney says: “The word for love used in Titus 2 is phileo. This word describes the love between very close friends. It is a tender, affectionate, passionate kind of love.  It emphasizes enjoyment and respect in a relationship.” Often times we get so busy serving our husbands and children that we overlook enjoying them! This layout of priorities also emphasizes the importance that our husbands be our first priority! That means Karis is second to the needs of my husband.

I am so thankful that God has been opening my eyes to the importance of enjoying my husband and child. Karis is growing fast, and this season will be short! Leave the household maintenance stuff to the nap times, and spend time enjoying her during her awake times!

That is what I am thankful for this week! Thankful that God provides the grace necessary to let some things go in order to invest in the most important relationships.

Thank you to Laura for hosting Gratituesday, a simple reminder for me to reflect on what I am thankful for this week!

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.

10 Responses to Serving vs. Enjoying Our Families

  1. Sweetpeas June 25, 2008 at 4:26 pm #

    I recently read a fictionalized version of the Mary & Martha story (book that takes the basic story but adds fictitious details to fill in the holes the Bible doesn’t tell us). And that author had Jesus come and help Martha in the kitchen AFTER they’d all visited. I think, whether that actually happened or not, this is an important aspect of the Mary/Martha “struggle”. We can make our families & friends our priority over serving much more easily if our families & friends are willing to help us serve when there’s a need.

  2. Tonya in GA June 24, 2008 at 7:57 pm #

    I fight the Martha/Mary battle every day. I have recently babysat for a good friend of mine who has a two year old. After being around her son all day, it made me see how much my youngest (5) has grown! When we are with our children day in and day out, I think we don’t see that! So, my kids have been getting extra hugs and kisses since then, as I know childhood isn’t forever. (sniffle)

  3. Peggy June 24, 2008 at 6:08 pm #

    Great thoughts Lindsay! As usual, you are doing a great job encouraging on your blog!

  4. Laura@heavenlyhomemakers June 24, 2008 at 2:28 pm #

    Oh I’m so guilty of being task oriented so much of the time. Sometimes I simply forget to stop and just laugh with my kids. It’s so much fun when I do.

  5. Alison @ Pennythoughts June 24, 2008 at 11:49 am #

    Thanks for the reminder! This is an area in which I’ve been growing as well, particularly when it comes to hosting friends/family/guests for meals or overnight. I am tempted to throw myself into preparing elaborate meals and making the home *perfect*, leaving myself exhausted, frustrated, and irritable when they arrive. My husband has been helping me learn to make enjoying our company the first priority.

  6. holly June 24, 2008 at 10:51 am #

    I love that first picture of you and Karis. It’s precious. And thank you for these thoughts. This is exactly what I have been learning this past new year– to spend more time on building others up and in maintaining encouraging relationships with my friends and family. Knowing as you said, “that God provides the grace necessary to let some things go in order to invest in the most important relationships.” You have been a part of that too, dear. Thanks for the visits, encouragement and tea. You are a dear.

  7. Country Gal June 24, 2008 at 10:13 am #

    I feel like I am always fighting the Mary vs Martha battle, It’s never-ending!

    Praise God for His faithfulness and forgiveness.

    Thanks for the remainder today!

  8. Steph Garvey June 24, 2008 at 9:03 am #

    Great post, Lindsay.

  9. Megan June 24, 2008 at 7:31 am #

    Thank you for that reminder! :)

  10. Chrissy June 24, 2008 at 6:36 am #

    You have such and inspiring blog. Thanks for the reminder and I am glad God is revealing things to you. Through Him to you then to all of us when you share. What a great cycle of wisdom!