For the Love of Books: March Reviews

A Quest for More: Living for something bigger than you by Paul David Tripp is one book I will be referring to again and again! This book thoroughly delves into the topic of the kingdom of self vs. the kingdom of God, and searches the heart and motives that cause us to so easily lean towards the pit of the kingdom of self. How do we avoid living the day to day life in a meaningless fashion? How do we reverse this trend and evaluate all our doings by the greater eternal perspective?

Not only has it inspired me to truly evaluate what I am really living for, but it has helped inspire me to weekly begin to probe my soul with questions so I might evaluate where I am at and how I can continue to grow on a weekly basis. and journal all that the Lord is teaching me. It has been a refreshing and challenging practice!

“We have been chosen and called to be followers. That means we no longer live with a master mentality. We have been bought with a price, and our lives no longer belong to us…Do you try to squeeze the call of Christ into the contours of your self-designed master plan?…Try to save your life and you will lose it, but lose your life for Christ’s sake and you will find it.” ~Paul David Tripp

It’s all about laying our life and desires down at the Master’s feet and submitting to His plan. This book will guide you to the living for the “above and more” that we were all created for.

On a more household oriented recommendation…

Clean House, Clean Planet by Karen Logan is a very helpful resource in learning how to mix up your own natural cleaners and solutions for maintaining your home from ingredients you have around the house. She gives good solid reasons for avoiding the toxins that are in most cleaning supplies, and provides simple solutions. I found it to be a fun read and another good resource to keep on hand!

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.

3 Responses to For the Love of Books: March Reviews

  1. Em C. April 4, 2008 at 6:31 pm #

    Hi Lindsay, I love all the tips and reading suggestions you give! One thing tho, Clean House Clean Planet is by Karen Logan, but I will definitely check it out. (; (Ruth Yaron’s books are good as well!)
    Thanks for the nutritious.frugal ideas!

    • Lindsay April 5, 2008 at 12:18 pm #

      Opps…I made the change. Sorry about that. I got confused because I have been using so much of Super Baby Food. ;)

  2. Stephanie @ Keeper of the Home April 1, 2008 at 8:12 am #

    Those both sound like something I would be interested in reading. Both Paul David and Tedd Tripp are wonderful writers, and we’ve found their books very helpful. I imagine my church bookstore has that one, so I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the reviews!