Archive | September, 2011

Creative & Simple Activities For Kids

Written by monthly contributing writer, Michele at Frugal Granola.

My children love it when I announce, “It’s project time!” (And I love giving them simple, supervised outlets for their creativity, instead of discovering they’ve emptied out all the soap in the bathroom or honey in the pantry…)

I keep a simple stash of art supplies; nothing too fancy or extensive. We regularly replace items as they get used up (such as crayons. glue, or paper), but most supplies (such as small bottles of paint or glitter) last quite awhile- as long as they’re safely stored away from little hands.

Your list could certainly be even shorter than mine, and you would still be well-equipped for some creative fun! These are just the items we’ve gathered over the years, often from thrift stores or gifts.

Our Creative Supply List:

  • Crayons (including “chunky” ones for toddlers)
  • A few small bottles of Acrylic Paint or Watercolor Paint (mostly primary colors)
  • Watercolor and/or Colored Pencils
  • Pens & Pencils (plus a sharpener and eraser)
  • Paintbrushes
  • Markers (we rarely use these, actually)
  • Chalk (Try making your own with this Pavement Chalk recipe!)
  • Paper (Doodle Paper, Colored Paper, and Watercolor Paper)
  • Old Magazines (used for collages)
  • Glitter
  • Glue Sticks & Liquid Glue
  • Child-Safe Scissors
  • Beeswax
  • Fabric Scraps & Yarn/Ribbon
  • Felt
  • Art Smocks or Aprons
  • Grass Seed or Flower Seeds
  • Rubber/Foam Stamps (Or, make your own stamps with potatoes, celery, broccoli, apples, etc.)
  • Washable Placemats (homemade with paper collages covered in clear contact paper)
  • Pantry Items: Natural Food Coloring, Arrowroot Powder or Cornstarch, Essential Oils, Salt, Cream of Tartar
  • Outside Items (gathered by children as needed): Flowers, Leaves, Rocks, Acorns, Wood Pieces

Here are a few of our recent favorite projects:

Play Slime

Based on this “Clean” Play Slime Recipe, we mixed up a batch using arrowroot powder instead of cornstarch, since that is what I had on hand. My daughter wanted purple slime, so we mixed in some natural food coloring (reinforcing that “blue & red make purple”), and she also put in several drops of essential oil.

Homemade Recycled Crayons

You can see my post on these at Frugal Granola, where we gathered up all our random crayon pieces on a rainy day. They are the perfect size for little hands! We followed the instructions from Make & Takes.

Painted Rocks

My daughter loves gathering rocks from outside, and I gave her some acrylic paint to decorate a few. We also added a bit of glitter at the end, along with a few googly eyes & sequins (a gift from a librarian friend). I started just with primary color paints, and we practiced making secondary colors to decorate the rocks. She had so much fun making up names & characters for her rocks!

Some other versions of Rock Crafts:

Homemade Gluten-Free Playdough

We have our recipe, along with color/scent combination ideas at Frugal Granola. This is the most-requested project in our home!


We were inspired by these lovely Finger Knitted Flowers.

As we get ready for the new school year to begin, I’ve been preparing a list of new creative projects, along with our school plans. I keep my ongoing inspiration links at Pinterest, where I can refer to them as I make my plans.

Some future project ideas on my list are:

What are your children’s favorite creative activities?

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August at Our Home

I sit outside enjoying a beautiful sunny day here in the Northwest and I rejoice at the blessings and challenges this last month has held for our family. All my sweet little ones are amazingly resting peacefully together at least for a few short minutes. We welcomed our sweet third baby, Eden Joy, into our little fold, extending our family to 5 members. Now we have three lively little ones to keep us on our toes. There is far less time for our own and yet this is truly kingdom work. Back full time into the world of diapers, balancing a colicky baby with more adventures working through heart issues, as my little 2 year old has been more clingy and weepy since the new arrival, and back tracks in his potty training. It has surely been stretching and yet I find myself more peaceful and relaxed than I have ever been. Eden is nursing very well and growing like a little weed – weighing in at 10 pounds this week as we pass the 1 month mark.

Am I growing in my ability to flex and simply enjoy the ups and downs of motherhood? I find myself being able to embrace the challenges in a new way. When I asked one sweet friend of four little ones how she managed it all, she smiled and laughing said, “someone’s always crying.” The realization struck me. We can embrace and laugh at the challenges or we can fight and whine. Which should I choose? God has assigned me to this role.

It is easy enough to focus on the difficulties…but how much better to realize that they come with the territory and God has designed them to sanctify and purify our hearts. This is reality. Or as another mother said, “I’ve come to realize that I will always be tired.” She spoke not in a negative way, but in an embracing way. Motherhood is tiring. Why complain about lack of sleep? Does it get me anywhere? Is my home more peaceful as a result? No. But when I chose to rejoice that a sleep deprived mother can depend upon the full bountiful strength of a good God, then my heart is at rest.

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