Archive | November, 2009

Thanksgiving Journal: Preparing Our Hearts for A Purposeful Month of Thanksgiving

Screen shot 2009-11-03 at 5.48.06 AMI have been blessed repeatedly by the wonderful e-books and resources offered through Graham Family Ministries. As I prayed about celebrating Thanksgiving purposefully this year, I stumbled upon Shari Graham’s 30 Day Thanksgiving Journal. This is a very simple e-book for individual or family use to really focus on being thankful, offering a verse for every day in November, and a few simple questions to meditate upon and put into practice a thankful heart this month.

Sheri describes this e-book as follows: As I thought about the holidays approaching and the temptation for my children (and myself) to focus on ourselves, I wanted something that we could do over the month of November that would turn our hearts more toward the Lord and toward serving others. For each day of November there is a verse to copy, memorize, and/or journal about, a place for you and your children to record things you are thankful for that day, and a place to record ways you can GIVE to others that day. It seems like we always focus on giving “thanks”, but then do we turn around and GIVE to others as we have been richly blessed? I hope these journal pages will challenge you to look for ways to give to others this holiday season.

I love Sheri’s focus not only on cultivating a thankful heart, but also focusing on the “giving” aspect of ThanksGIVING. We have been given so much, how can we in turn give to bless others this month? I have been using this journal over the past few days during our family devotion time in the morning. We read the verse and discuss it’s meaning and application in our lives, and then we share one thing we are thankful for. It has been so simple and yet rich! This e-book is very basic (only 37 pages), and yet draws our hearts to the Word of God and all the glorious riches He has bestowed upon us.

Click here to visit Graham Family Ministries.

Do you have any good Thanksgiving resources to recommend? How do you prepare your hearts for this holiday?

Note: PH is an affiliate of Graham Family Ministries. We have partnered together to offer you some great purposeful family building resources. PH receives a small percentage of each sale purchased through our links. These resources are in turn donated to support our orphan home in Cambodia.
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Natural Ways to Smell Beautiful

essential oils Stacy asked:

I have a 3 month old baby and it’s caused me to rethink my use of perfume.  Do you know of any natural ways to smell beautiful?

Essential Oils! Pick your favorite scent and apply a dab to your neck and wrists and away you go. Essential oils, especially scents such as sandalwood and lavender, are very fragrant and you only need a drop on your finger to give you a lovely fragrance. You can really just choose your favorite essential oil fragrance and stick with that, or you can also combine scents for some intoxicating perfumes. I found a few homemade natural perfume recipes online. Check out these ideas!

Or you can find an array of combination’s of natural perfumes on the market. Mountain Rose Herbs sells some lovely aroma oils combination’s as well.

Orient Nights Perfume – a combination of sandalwood, musk and frankincense!
Rose Blend

How to Make Your Own Perfume with Essential Oils – a helpful tutorial and guide by Wikihow

This is a guideline of each essential oil’s scent provided by WikiHow:

* Earthy Scents: patchouli, vetiver.

* Floral Scents: geranium, jasmine, neroli, rose, ylang-ylang.

* Fruity Scents: bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, lime, mandarin, orange,lemongrass.

* Herbal Scents: angelica, basil, chamomile, clary sage, lavender, peppermint, rosemary.

* Spicy Scents: black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, coriander, ginger, juniper, nutmeg .

* Woodsy Scents: cedarwood, cypress, pine, sandalwood.

For the best prices on essential oils, check out Vitacost.

Do you have any recommendations?

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