Karis has had a lovely cough, cold and congestion for almost four weeks now. It kept coming and going, leaving us with a very fussy, clingy baby. We are finally nearing the end of it, as I see her smile coming back…thanks to these wonderful home remedies that Grandma Edmonds mixed up together for (thanks Mama!). We visited the doctor today to make sure nothing serious was happening in her body, and low and behold she said that I was doing it right. She recommended me to continue the ear ache and stuffy nose remedies listed below. I think the key is to catch it early on, which is what I failed to do.
COUGH/CONGESTION: Mix 3-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil with 1 Tablespoon olive or sesame oil. Rub on back, chest and neck a few times each day.
HYDRO THERAPY – Place child in tub of warm water, 2-3 inches. Leave water running so it’s almost hot. Saturate 4-6 wash clothes or cloth diapers in hot water. Places clothes in layers on back and chest. Keep cloth hot by re-rinsing layers and reapplying to back and front. The goal is to keep as much moist heat on child without burning the skin. Do this for 10 minutes or as long as child can tolerate. Take the cloth and rinse them in cold water. Apply to back and chest in the same manner. Keep re-rinsing and applying for as long as child can tolerate, at least 3-5 minutes. Do this 3-4 times daily until congestion is gone. (This one can be a bit of a challenge, depending on the age of the child – Karis (at 9 months) did very well for two times, then started freaking out. But it is worth a try!)
EAR ACHE: This is a good recipe to use as a preventative as well! Press 2-3 garlic cloves in 2 Tablespoons olive oil. Let warm on stove for 15-20 minutes. Strain garlic from oil. Lay child on side and drop 2-3 drops of garlic oil in ear and massage lower outer ear for a few minutes. Wait for half hour or so before doing the other side so oil won’t drain out. 3-4 times daily.
STUFFY NOSE: Warm 1/2 cup filtered water with 1/8 tsp salt. Lay child across lap with face up and head tilted back. Spray salted water up each nostril. Child will think they’re drowning! Make sure they hold head back for a few seconds and then sit up and let water run from nose. 3-4 times daily.
Use a humidifier everywhere!
It is working for us with a little patience and perseverance! Being that this is my first baby, this is all new to me. Do you have any other natural remedies that I must know about? Please share. I am all ears…
These are some great ideas. For ear aches my grandmother always put a few drops of vitamin E in othe ear then a cotton ball and then had us lay the effected ear on a heating pad, worked wonders.
you can ingest these essential oils: http://essentialoilworld.com/essentialoilreviews/lemon-essential-oil
Some great tips!!! I would like to add though that Sterimar (natural isotonic seawater!) is far easier to use than the salt water method you recommend as it comes in a handy dispenser and the salt levels are all the same as the bodies natural state and so no room for error with the quantites. I can’t recommend if highly enough for getting rid of congestion and germs.
I also like to put a bowl of menthol crystals in water on top of a radiator to act as a humidifier at night!
Generally I do not read post on blogs, but I would like to say that this write-up very forced me to try and do it! Your writing taste has been amazed me. Thank you, quite great post.
I have a child who seems to have some asthma symptoms. It comes on after a lot of running around and show itself as mostly coughing. Also, when sick with a cold, then there is wheezing. We do have an inhaler to use, but I would love to know if there are any natural/homeopathic remedies for the wheezing. I have to use those meds all the time, especially with a child.
Hoping someone has some input for this. Thank you.
Hi there! I am so happy to help as we have struggled with asthma symptoms with our son ever since he was DOUBLE vaccinated at 18 months old. (He is now 6) Such a shame, but it forced me to learn, learn, learn!
We keep an inhaler, and xopenex (zop-en-ex) on hand for emergencies only! If a cough starts, I immediately take a small glass jar of distilled water. I then stir in a tbs of aluminum free baking soda. Stir this up well, and then take a medicine dropper (the kind the pharmacy gives you. Usually plastic with a bright colored topper that you can remove to wash it.) full, 5 ml and squirt it into the nebulizer, and then add another medicine dropper, 5ml of distilled water. Place the mask over child and allow them to sit with it on for 15-30 minutes. Really as long as you can. This will help open up the airways and will help “sneeze” out the mucus that is causing the weezing. If your child has had asthma struggles for a few days over and over, you will need to do this 3 times a day until the symptoms clear up. Of course, USE the inhaler if it is an emergency in the interim.
NEXT: If the dr. wants to put your child on prednisone or prednisolone (steroid) get a 16oz glass of distilled water and drop 2 drops of organic, oregano oil. MUST be 100% therapeutic and MUST be able to be ingested. MAKE sure you are diluting this down just as it is written. Oregano, when too strong, can burn and it is very painful. Also, will long term use, for those of you taking oregano oil day after day after day, even in capsule form, can cause damage to the liver. Stir this up and then, use a medicine dropper, and just as above with the baking soda, use one dropper of of oregano oil / water mixture, and one medicine dropper of plain distilled water in the nebulizer. This will open the airways as an inhaler and as a steroid would and helps keep them open. Do this once a day for about 15 minutes, and the baking soda the other two times a day.
Finally: When you know a cold is coming on and you don’t want it to aspirate the asthma, you can purchase caloitil silver at a health food store. Use 10ppm and use it full strength in the nebulizer.
This has brought so much healing to our son and without all of the side effects! We will be praying for you and your family, for peace and that God would bring you wisdom.
My son also meets with a chiropractor, to make sure his lugs and ribs are in alignment, and he is experiencing food allergies, which is common, with asthma. He is having
acupuncture right now and we are seeing huge results!
Finally, we use Standard Process supplements on a regular basis. Pneumetrophin PMG would be awesome to help the lungs, and for something when cold symptoms rear their ugly heads, Congeplex.
Happy researching!
Ah, this is awesome. Exactly what I was searching for. Thanks!
Lol you’re kidding right
For colds and coughs I have used raw carlic for years,and it never failed to help me out,I never had a flu shots in my life I am 63 years young,and my doctor on regular visit often recomended flu shots,I always reply “next time doc” he just smile,as he know that next time will be never with me…I even don’t have very often colds or cough,but biggest one happend just few weeks ago,and I stuffed myself with so much garlic [i ove the stuff,anyway with various foods] that everyone was “running away from me” but in 2 days I was like a new again,thanks again for garlic.Love your blog.Ivan
Agree with all of the above – didn’t know about the eucalyptus oil, I’m going to try that. ALL 11 of us are sick with a cold right now, and we’re using EmergenC, liquids, garlic rub, and rest. Have also used GOOT Garlic Oil Ointment Treatment made with equal parts fresh garlic, olive oil and coconut oil. Heat coconut oil only enough to liquefy, blend all together, strain through cheesecloth, and refrigerate until firm. Can use as a rub – it really breaks up a cough. We use it on our sinuses, chest, back – anywhere – you have to throw it out after 2 weeks and make a fresh batch. When it’s really bad (feeling like walking pneumonia) we’ll crush a clove of garlic, smother it with raw honey, and gulp it down three times a day. (3 cloves/day for adults, 1 clove/day in 3 parts for kids – all my children will take it, even the 2 year old.) I’m OUT of my favorite first line of defense – LymphaRub by Trilight Herbs. If you get that first little spot of soreness in your throat, and rub this on, seriously, the sore throat can be gone in 1/2 hour. Also use it instead of Vicks for my babies – it smells so good. You can also swab your tonsils with it (adults) but I just can’t figure out how to do that! Regarding hydrogen peroxide – I regularly clean my children’s ears with it. I fill the canal with peroxide, let it bubble (it’s amazing what comes out) and swish it with an eye dropper, using a flashlight to see if there’s anything major in there, and drain. Never any ear problems when I regularly do that. My midwife also told me with a sore throat you can gargle with peroxide (brush your teeth FIRST
), spit it out, then drink a little water and swallow that. The little bit left in your mouth after spitting is not harmful. Also zinc lozenges are good. For children chamomile tea is actually relaxing, while also being an mild immuno-stimulant.
Phew – where did all that come from?
Let me start out by saying that I love your blog but I think the ball was dropped. I am really bothered by the suggestion that you should have your child ingest the essential oils in the honey mixture for cough and congestion. Essential oils should never be ingested in fact it is illegal for a homeopath to direct someone to ingest the oils as it can be dangerous. I understand it is only a small amount but children are little beings. Also there may be readers who don’t know anything about essential oils and now think it is okay to ingest them. I LOVE your blog, please don’t get me wrong, I just think that when you are advising someone about remedies you need to do your homework, check the indications, the contraindications and methods. If it was a homeopath who suggested it to you than I would say find a new one.
I heartily agree! For some odd reason I included that statement but I cannot even recall it. I definitely think ingesting essential oils must be used with caution…so I have removed that statement. Thanks for pointing it out to me!
I didn’t see where she said to ingest them, but I could have missed it. I do know to be careful as well! less than 1/2 tsp of wintergreen for a child would be fatal. Peppermint is non-toxic, but yes! Try and just use topically if you can!
My little boy got a cold and cough where he was really congested and I found that getting into a steamed up shower cubical helped, especially when I put teatree and eucalyptus drops on a flannel (facecloth) and put it on the bottom of the shower. It doesn’t seem to work for everyone but worth a try. Also helps with an unsettled bub if you put lavender on the flannel.
For sore throats my mama used to put garlic into some honey and warm it. Let it kinda infuse then dropper it into the back of your littlies mouths. Works as a cough syrup and throat soother. It works great for my boy and I find it works well for me too.
My mama has a homeopathic herbal remedy book that shes had for donkeys years and it was awesome. We lived in the wops so it took ages to get to the doctor and with my brother and sister being severely allergic to penicillen and me having serious additive intolerances related to hyperactivity (therefore meaning that all the antibiotics they put me on which were highly coloured completely hyped me out) my darling mama had to be pretty inventive
Hello, this site is great (my first time here!). I do have a question. I had a cold myself (cough, nasal congestion) when my son was born. He’s now two weeks and has the cough and nasal congestion as well. What can I do to help my wee one? We don’t use antibiotics and prefer natural remedies over medicinal help.
NEVER let a child ingest essential oil! I can not stress this enough. It is even dangerous for full grown adults. You should not ingest tea tree, or eucalyptus. Just put the drops in a humidifier with water. If you do not have a humidifier, than use a pot of water on the stove.
Definitely love your blog Lindsay! I post recently a very good recipe in my blog, to do onion syrup as a preventive and healing for cold, cough,etc. It has been really efficient with my daughter. You can see it here: http://momelo.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/stop-coughing/
Hi Lindsay,
) He has had a clear runny nose, some congestion and sneezes almost as frequently as he coughs. I have had him on a multi-vitamin & vitamin c for babies for the past 2-3 months. I have been putting the Eukalyptus oil on his chest and then added the olive oil last night after reading your archive. I got some cough syrup for children from Whole Foods last night to see if it would help with the cough. I don’t know if you’ve heard of Sovereign Silver, its a Bio-active Silver Hydrosol for Immune support. Its pure liquid Silver and purified water. My husband and I use the mist spray bottle when we feel a cold coming. (Your Trader Joe’s should have it.) Anyway, I’ve been giving him some of it too. He has been on solid food for the last few months but has lost his appetite from the cold/teething. Only momma’s milk now. I want to give him more fluids but he won’t take a bottle or sippy cup. Let’s see, I think that is about it. I guess I mainly wanted to see if you had any more advice for me. As I’m sure you know, having your first little bundle get sick is so heart wrenching! I know that the Lord has everything in control and we are continuously praying for our son, Jedidiah.
I want to mention real quick that I have been SO blessed and greatly encouraged upon finding your website!! My husband and I are Bible-believing Christians as well and also eat & shop organically! I have several questions about some of your archives, But I will ask the most important one at the moment. My son,(6 months old), has a cold that started around 6 or so days ago. He had a runny nose with his first bottom tooth, then last week he woke up. I thought that maybe the mucus had dripped down his throat at night and was making him cough. Which may be true, but he coughs frequently now, no rattling, just a string of pretty hard coughs sometimes,(if that makes sense). He has coughed up some mucus but then just swallows it. Last night after nursing I was burping him and he started a string of coughing and then spit up/threw up some mucus. I was happy that he got it out of him but it also freaked me out since he never spits up.
Dear Joanna, You are being such a good mommy! Don’t get too worried or discouraged. Sometimes these nasty colds just last awhile. When Karis was around 10 months she had a cold that lasted for at least a month. I started using the above remedies, but it continued to linger. I finally got too worried and took her to the doctor, only to discover that I was doing everything right! The doctor told me sometimes they will just get one cold upon another and Karis may have just had one cold and then caught another. I would recommend you get a good humidifier for his bedroom and use it all the time (we really like the cold mist Crane humidifier, although we have it in the elephant version). Change his sheets and wash his blankets often, in addition to any toys or things he enjoys sucking on. This has really helped me in the past…keeping the bed clean and free of further germs. Fresh air is good for the lungs as well. Take a daily stroll outside and you will be amazed at how that can help clear their lungs. Momma’s milk is the best thing! You are doing a great job!
Dear Lindsay,
) Thanks!
Thank you so much for responding to my post!! I really appreciate the encouraging words! I actually did have a cool mist humidifier going in his room, but I had to turn it off cause it needs a new filter. I’m going to get a new filter tomorrow! I hadn’t really thought of changing his sheets more often than usual, but that really makes a lot of sense.
I’ve talked to a few more people and I”m starting to wonder if it really is a cold or if it’s the teething that is giving him the nasal congestion and cough. I’ve read that this can happen and some doctors say that a slight fever can come from teething. (Which Jedidiah did feel a little warm last night.) He’s still a happy baby and does not seem to be in any pain. But he has been waking up at night which isn’t normal for him cause he’s been sleeping through the night for a while now. Both bottom teeth have pushed through the gum, but maybe they are still “pushing” and that is whats causing the congestion. Do you have any thoughts on this?
Thanks again for the previous info!
Yes, that can definitely be the case as well. I definitely remember times when you just cannot nail down the exact problem. Teething is a hard one to know for sure when they cannot communicate, as it will come in little boughts here and there. I always tried to assure myself that they would get back into the cycle of sleeping through the night and she always did. They just need a little extra loving during these times. Whether teething or cold, rest assured that he will get better or the teeth will come through…I love your baby’s name by the way!
Good news! He slept through the night last night! Yea! His nose looks really good, just a few crusties
) I can still hear some congestion when he breathes through his nose. I used some saline drops this morning to try and loosen it. I think I’ll do it a few more times today. He didn’t really like it too much.
) He still has the cough, which I was kind of bummed about. I’m leaning more towards a cold now mainly because of the cough. Although his drainage is still clear, which is good. Does his drainage have to be yellowish for him to have a cold, or can he still have a “mild” cold and it be clear? Cause I thought a cold meant you had a viral infection which would mean your drainage is yellowish or discolored.
] You really have been a huge help and a big encouragement to me!
) I know it was God that led me to your site! I have bookmarked your website and will be browsing it regularly!
) And we both liked Jedidiah better anyway.
When he coughs, I can tell its because there is drainage in his throat. Sometimes its like his body is forcing him to cough. When he coughs really hard and kind of drawn out, he will whimper a little like his throat is sore. I’m going to take him outside today to get some fresh air.
Lindsay, I really appreciate you taking the time to correspond with me!!! I know its not easy to find the time to sit down at the computer! Especially with all the comments I’m sure you receive from your amazing website.
I was looking for natural cold remedies through Google when I found your archive. I of course saw your family photo, (which is adorable by the way!), and thought I might check out your home page. I was so thrilled when I saw your entry Titus2Talk!!
Oh, thank you! Karis is a beautiful name! We named our son Jedidiah because its the name the LORD gave Solomon through Nathan the prophet. Jedidiah means, “Beloved of the LORD”. (2 Samuel 12:24-25 KJV) We thought about naming him Solomon, but since my husbands name is David we decided not to.
Thank you again for your advice and encouraging words! Have a blessed day!
Sovereign Silver is what we use too! Just be careful not to use it too much as silver kills everything!
Too much of a good thing can be bad, and I guess what i am getting from everyone here, is that moderation is best and don’t drink or ingest oils in anyway?
We are now carrying Dr. Hauschka homeopathic remedies for cold & flu. The company has been doing these remedies for over 70 years!
Also, I love your ear remedy with garlic. . .I have been doing this for years with my children and I am always amazed at the results. They can be in so much pain and then wake up completely fine!
I JUST found your blog today and am loving your information. I clicked on this post ( know it was written months ago) b/c two of my kids have had pneumonia this summer. UUUGH! I use Mullien leaf when the kids start to have any cough. I use it too and find it to help stop my coughing. I just use a dropperful in the kids’ orange juice and they never question it (I do not give them meds often so they hate most meds).
At the first sign of congestion (and a few times a day until the illness is gone) put several drops of breastmilk in each nostril. I was blessed to be given this advice when my daughter was a newborn and it has been so helpful for us.
A lot of people swear by a frew drops of hydrogen peroxide in each ear will shoot down a cold in the early stage. I also use homeopathic antimonium tart for the snot gurgles, allium for thin runny snot and watery eyes with irritated eyes, and pulsatilla for thick green snot and ear pain. Herbal Valerian is good for coughs as it is a smooth muscle relaxant and a strong chamomile is good for an irritated airway.
Another way to do moist warmth without a bath is to make a rice bag (see: http://prettybabies.blogspot.com/2008/02/if-martha-stewart-and-macgyver-had-kid.html)
and use that. Just be sure that you don’t get it too hot for her little skin. It might feel nice on the sore ear, too.
We’re just getting over a bout of this at our house, too, so I feel your pain. I’ve been using Vicks Early Defense religiously all winter, and it has really been working. We got sick the one time I took them to the play area at the mall and forgot to use it. Oops.
Hang in there!
I have a 5 month old baby who is starting to get congested with lots of mucous. I was going to try the salt spray, but was wondering what you used to spray the solution into her nose.
I just recently discovered your blog and have been enjoying visiting daily now. Thank you.
Jacque, you can buy a clean dropper at the store, but I just used one from a liquid multi-vitamin that I have. I just wash it out good after each use.
We have used the garlic oil for earaches many times and it WORKS. Also, for an adult or even an older child who would tolerate it, you can put a peeled garlic clove just inside the ear (like a hearing aid) and it draws the inflammation out.
A website we refer to quite often is http://www.bulkherbstore.com. You can look up remedies for various ailments, and you can order herbs directly from them. We’ve had great success with that company.
Thanks for your post!
Thank you so much for these! It’s nice to have a comprehensive list, especially since I want to prevent the unnecessary use of antibiotics in my wee ones.
I like airborne and zicam, and they can be given in small doses to children. It’s true that milk can produce more phlegm, but breastmilk doesn’t. The most important thing is to nurse, nurse, nurse your baby! When sick, the best thing for everyone is rest, some small exercise every so often (to keep the lymphatic system pumping), and looooots of fluids.
Astragalus, echinacea, and the above mentioned remedies are most helpful at the beginning of the cold. Large doses of vitamin C, as well as taking Zinc and Selenium, are helpful to beat a cold.
Garlic oil ear drops can treat outer and sometimes middle ear infections, but they won’t infuse far enough to help inner ear infections. I use a few drops of tea tree oil dissolved in olive oil for that. I could go on and on about this subject. I wrote about it a little here:
Yup, Mrs taft, I was thinking dairy in the lines of cheeses and regular cow’s milk.
I thought of Zicam and Airborne, but I wasn’t sure if they are classified as natural or not.
Since going to a chiropractor, my family and I have barely had any colds, etc. I personally have not had a cold since April of last year. Before that my chiropractor would have us take Agrisept. A few drops in water or OJ, and in a few days symptoms would disappear.
Main thing during colds and sinus times, is to decrease dairy intake. Dairy increases phlegm. As a whole my family I don’t drink or eat a lot of dairy for this reason. My husband and I both have sinus problems. And since all but eliminating dairy in our diets, have had no issues w/sinuses.
This is a great tip. Are there any remedies for adults?
We have found Apple Cider Vinegar as a great health booster to strengthen the immune system in prevention. If you feel a cold coming on, drink several glasses a day (2 tsp to 1 cup water).
We also like Emergen-C. This is a powdered vitamin C that is great mixed in with juice or water. Raspberry flavor is my favorite. We pump ourselves with this if we sense a cold coming on. This is available at Fred Meyer’s nutrition. Great to have on hand!
Echinacea & airborne are also a good supplement at the outset of a cold. Hope that helps!
Also a great natural “remedy” is simply putting a
Q-tip covered in hydrogen peroxide as you feel
the first tickle in your throat or feeling of
unwellness. If you don’t catch it on time you’ll
still get sick, then can use the other remedies to
help you get back to wellness. If you do catch it
on time you will know because you will start to
feel better again and the cold will not take hold.
I’ve only been sick with a cold/flu once in the
last 3 years and I have 2 yooung children (a 2 1/2
yr old) It’s truly amazing!
and a 1 yr ol)
I am a little confused…where do you put the Q-tip? Thanks for sharing!
Hi Lindsay,
Sorry I should have clarified. The Q-tip
goes in your ear as you would if you were
cleaning out your ears. As long as the
hydrogen peroxide gets into your ear canal
you’re good! (a very cool feeling)
I also like to use hot water with lemon juice
and honey when I do get sick. The lemon juice
acts as a natural detoxifier and the honey helps
to loosen up and release the phlegm (not to
mention suppressing a cough-dry or productive).
I used this remedy the other night (I didn’t
get ahead of the cold as quickly as I usually
do)after a long spell of coughing and I had my first
night of full recovery sleep!
this is fabulous lindsay….i’ll pass this along….had someone ask me about the ear infection…i knew my daughter in spain – knew and she verified what you’ve written…but WOW…here it is all in one fantastic linky love source. blessings! lylah
I have used salt water in the past and it works so well. But you are right about the drowning thing. If you have a largish child then you might need another pair of hands.. one to hold down and one to put the drops in. The best thing about this is is makes them sneeze which helps to clear any blockages. Just be ready with a tissue or two.
I had five children…two of them had ear aches. One night I had to call the doctor and it was a stranger to us. But he gave me a homeopathic treatment to give once the ear ache was cured…The encredible thing is that my 18 month old little boy never , never had again ear problems (he is now 25!!)When his older sister came up with another ear infection, I treatet her the same way and she just has to be carefull if she goes swimming not to keep her head under the water!
Strangely our triplets never had ear infections!
They had coughs and colds and fever…all the time!
When I had to clean there nose I Had to put there head in a position that would make the saltie water go up one side and down the other…
Now we still put saltie water up are noses but we buye it with “cuivre”(coper?) in it to make us stronger…
Good luck and tell us more about your litlle daughter! How old is she? You look so sweet the two of you!!
Good timing. This time of year we either have a child with a cold or one about to get one. And what is in that cough medication anyway?
Good WFMW Thanks.